This is How the Grass Can Be Greener On the Other SidesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem7 years ago


Have you ever heard the saying, “The grass isn’t always greener on the other side?”

I find that particular saying interesting because when most people say it, they are normally providing someone advice or making an attempt from making someone really think about making a change in their life.

Have you ever stop to think about what patch of grass that person saying this phrase to you is currently standing on?

Let’s be honest… the phrase is powerful. How many times have you heard it and really made you think whether you’re making the right choice or not?

Let’s take a step further, shall we...

What if you actually looked at your current situation, compared it to a patch of grass, and gave that patch of grass an actual color?

What fucking color would you give it???

I’ll make it easy for you and break it down into color levels:

Green - you’re current situation is great. You have no worries in the world. Your status quo makes you content.

Brown -You want to make changes in your life but have some reservation doing so. You’re conflicted but you want the change.

Grey (dirt) - You NEED change. You yearn for it. Any other patch of grass will be better than the one you're currently standing in.

So… what patch of grass color are you currently standing in?

The point to this article is to talk about fucking grass (maybe weed).
It’s to get you thinking about how other people influence your level of happiness.

The phrase, “It’s not always greener on the other side” is just another form of stopping you from exploring new opportunities. There’s a reason you’re thinking of making a change.

So what’s stopping you?
Are you worried or scared of not knowing the outcome?
Of regretting making the decision?

Well, here’s another possible solution to your hesitation.

Why don’t you look at the current patch of grass you’re standing on and WATER the fuck out of it!
You have the POWER to create that awesome golf fairway patch of green grass you yearn to stand on!
It's always been on you.

If you’re afraid of making too much of a change, then start making changes within yourself.
I want YOU to water YOU.

Give yourself an opportunity to grow and change the color of your patch of grass. Then start watering the rest of the fucking lawn when you’re ready.

If you can’t stand the dust bowl real estate you’re currently standing on, then make a bold move and change the whole fucking scenery!

It can’t be worse than where you’re currently standing.

Regardless of what color you’re standing in, water yourself and grow.

And remember… slow gear is better than no gear.

Make small steps and turn them into big fucking strides!


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Thank You!


yes, it's inside us, we have to know about it!

It's inside all of us!! Most just don't know how to find it. Thanks!

Good points but no need for f word

Thanks for comment. Every article I write I use the fuck word. Such is my style.

This comment alone got me to follow you.

Thank you voorash!! If we are to be someone in life, we must first learn and accept who and what we are.

I appreciate your support. Thanks!!

You made my morning!