Bought The Dip, And Now Steem Is Rising!

in #steem4 years ago

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Been seeing a lot of small rallies on Steem recently, so I've been doing a little swing trading to make more steem / take a bit of profits. Honestly my biggest fear is not Steem dropping, but that I'll sell and miss out on a big rally. Lots of people are thinking the new alt coin season is here, so you might not get many more chances to buy cheap steem. Hopefully I get get more of my longboard friends onto Steem before the serious rallies, so they can see the true potential of this platform.


I am more bullish with Steem than ever bro!
There is not a pump and dump thing going on like the other shitty coins. Instead we anjoy a steady growth every couple of days!
I think that this means people are looking at Steem not as a get rich quick plan but as a real utility coin. A lot of development is happening here. We just need to be patient!

How are you bro? Everything alright? Sorry for not voting from the Steemskate profile but our promise to delegators is to upvote only skate-related content!

Yeah I'm doing good, jut been very busy recently so I haven't been getting much editing done.
Yeah I didn't expect much of a payout since my audience is clearly not traders, but figured you all would like to know if there is a dip, or a bull run so we an all take advantage of it.

Yeah no worries bro, just told you so you know! Let's hope Steem starts mooning soon!
Need some cash to move to another country! Greece is beautiful and probably one of the ebst countries to live in but the economic situation sucks here.

I think everything is starting to stabilize after the big bitcoin drop in the fall. Its great how well steem has recovered.

Best part I've realized is the you earn more while steem is down, since you get paid based on the dollar value in steem. So $10 worth of steem for a post now, is worth so much more when / if steem goes back to previous highs. So my $10 post now, becomes $100's later.

the bullish trend for the steem market have started....

Posted via Steemleo

What a great time to be on Steem!

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