Minnows & Newbies: Don't Panic About Low Post Rewards

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

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Potential Windfall In Disguise

You've been creating content for Steemit, Dtube or some other Steem based app and you are making a few cents here and a couple of dollars there. You've put in tons of time to make a good post or maybe not and you feel somewhat down about it. Look, I understand. It can get frustrating after a while. But here is the silver lining in all this for those of you who are new to Steemit or consider yourself minnows. Steemit and Steem are babies. They were born not too long ago which means we are still in the early stages of this social experiment. Which then means that any amount of crypto you are being paid right now has a good chance to go somewhere and be very valuable down the road or maybe even in the near future. 

Steemit has seen ridiculous amounts of organic growth since it came out. This is a good sign at least for now and I hope that's the case for the future as well. What you need to focus on in the meantime is to put out content or curate other's work. Keep showing up and bringing the passion for what it is you love creating or doing. It could be music, writing, videos, you name it. 

Just know this. The road is hard. It is lonely at times although you will meet amazing people here. It is very tough. This is not to scare you but it is to make you aware of the work that goes into those higher paying posts you see. But, this is not just about the money but something much bigger. 

Whatever you do, DON'T PANIC! There's worlds of potential in both Steemit and the underlying currency which is Steem. Anything you collect now from your work could be worth a heck of alot more down the road. Not only that but, what we are building here as a Steemit community far exceeds any amount of tangible rewards. The rocket has already launched and seems to be headed to new horizons. You would fare well by holding on and being patient. That's the silver lining. Much love and peace to everybody.

I am in a place that I have never been before in my life. It feels unreal at times. Thanks for all the support and love.

And if you need a bit more encouragement, check out my other cold shower videos.

Fearless Cold Shower Motivation 

The Upvote Surge Is Coming 

The Art Of Reciprocity  

Giving Steemit Praise While Taking A Cold Shower  

Remember: It's Only Water  

Wanna Build Mental Toughness? Take Cold Showers

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stumbled accross your post. It was jsut the encouragemetn I needed today. Ive been doing the steemit thing for about a month and although I have grown SO MUCH, i find myself always comparing to others on steemit who started around that same time as me and are doing "better." But you are right. Its abotu being around people who share your interest and inspire you and interact with you. you gained one new subscriber, looking forward to more content from you!

@elima BIG welcome man. Glad you stopped by. Thanks for the comment too.

Well I personally didn't get panic ever of not getting paid or steem is falling or not,I am the least bothered about it.as many says this platform is all about persistence and patience.for me it's not been a month may be 22-23 days passed and I'm happy with my significant growth.

@iamanwaar good thoughts sir. Me, as a newbie I didnt forsee myself earning that big as I am happy to express my feelings through writing. Thank for sharing @humanearl its an eye opening for everyone.

CHeers :)

Same here ... What I think is, steemit will grow bigger and bigger. The important thing is that we do things that we love and share it with the community.

Well congrats on bieng here for almost a month now. As the price of Steem rises the value of your content should do the same.

To be honest I dont bother about whether the steem price is 1 or 4 or 5 or 6 usd and it really does not matter to me. I just have fun here socializing with you and other fellow steemians. Although I have put some money here, but I am not really into thinking about any kind of profit.

Its just like Facebook for me but here I get paid for my activity.

It is fun for sure. The rewards are just icing on the cake. Did you notice facebook is trying to generate more engagement? And also they are thing of implementing crypto. Facebook knows about Steemit at this point. I'm pretty sure because every time I make a post on facebook about Steemit no one sees it. That means we are doing something right here.

In very first date of my STEEMIT journey I didn't earn any cent and I had no idea what should I do! Most of friends who joined with me left the game and I decided to do my best! As a result I am commenting today here and having a wonderful life as well!


Kudos to you man. Many people start leaving once they are not making anything. But the thing to remember is that Steemit is much more than just the money.

Whedn I started in steemit my target was to earn 100 usd per month but I was unable to earn those and hardly earning 33 usd per month, becuase at that time steem price was low and SBD too was 1 usd.

But now I am very much happy because I am being able to earn 100 usd per month and for me 100 usd per month is also a great amount.

Thank you...steem on and stay blissful....

And just wait until each steem is worth $100. Then you'll be sitting good.

Yes we need to stick to steemit and should not worry about the low rewards and I am sure going down the line much more will happen which will be the real reward for all past effort and hard work will definitely get paid off.

Thank you and Have a great day.

Imagine if 1 steem is worth $100. So someone complaining now about $1 may quit and miss out on making hundreds or thousands off of a post in the future.

any amount of crypto you are being paid right now has a good chance to go somewhere and be very valuable down the road or maybe even in the near future.
exactly right.

I've been a steemer for over 17moon. For about 12 of them I wasn't receiving much in the way of $Rewards. However I WAS receiving 'vests'...(the basic unit of Steem)...a few here..a few there.

Well guess what?

Those vests that I earned when the price of steem was WAY below $1....are now worth a LOT more.

And by a lot I mean HUNDREDS of times more...

there's a lesson there.

Man you are a machine. You are moving mountains now. Mountains of steem that is.

Leverage helps.(delegation)
but...it's mostly

anyone can do it

Yes i am still new to this platform and i have so many questions.

Do I have to include 5 tags?
How are posts noticed on steemit?
do i need to include multiple pictures in every post? (besides intro post)

Well i still have more to learn about this platform but so far I am excited for what the future holds

You don't have to include 5 tags but it will help your post become more visible.

Posts are noticed on steemit by a number of factors. Popularity of the author, whether or not the post was promoted, the amount of upvotes and potential rewards the post has just to name a few.

Pictures are good to use because they give visuals to what you are trying to say.

Thank you for sharing this @humanearl, it's great that you share these types of posts for beginners, as I know that many of them often lose motivation due to low post rewards.

I am currently running a project called the Steemit Success initiative, which aims to grow Steemit as a platform, as well as develop its beginners so that they can grow on Steemit too. I would really appreciate your support on it!

Thanks again for sharing this!

Your project just sounds like it could be interesting. I'll do my best to head to your page when I can. Thanks for sharing man.

I hope we all keep that in mind. Its been pretty rough for minnows here and really difficult building your reputation from scratch except you take in option of investing in steem which i think is an awesome idea. The fact remains, steemit is still at its early stage its even still in beta version, so every fraction of steem we put together now from our low paying post will be worth much more in future.

You got it. Thats what I'm trying to help people see. Just 1 steem could be worth $100 by the end of this year.