Creating a Steem Snowball Effect to Earn More Rewards

in #steem6 years ago

Are you interested in earning more Steem rewards?

Hi, I'm Ken, and I'm up at 1:23am creating this content to share on the blockchain with you lovely folks here. I had some coffee but didn't expect to be up this late publishing.

I would like to share a sincere message today about earning more rewards on Steem by creating a snowball effect. A snowball effect happens when you are gaining a lot of momentum and the results keep coming day in and day out.

I don't talk about my successes on this platform to brag. The reason I do it is to show you what is possible when you take the same actions that I am taking.

In order to create a Steem snowball effect, you need to have 4 ingredients which I am going to spell out for you here.


The first ingredient in preparing this snowball effect to earn more rewards is consistency. You MUST be posting on a daily basis. If you want to create success for yourself on this platform, you must stay consistent.

A great way to stay consistent is to keep your vision in mind. Who do you want to become? Who do you want to be known for? If you want to be a person of success, then your actions of consistency will align with that vision because successful people are consistent.

So put up something each day whether that is a video, a photo, or a short text post. Post something of value and share your life with the community.

Quality Content

The second ingredient to creating a Steem snowball effect to earn more rewards is to fuse consistency with quality content. You need to put time and energy into the content you are publishing.

Take time editing your videos. Take time creating your snaps. Take time writing out your text. One person who talks about this topic is @artbyclark. He does a great job explaining how important it is to take your time and don't rush what you are doing.

Put out content that you have passion for. When you do that, your quality will go through the roof by 10 times. Also, the more often you create, the better you will get. Practice practice practice!


The third ingredient required to create a Steem snowball effect to earn more rewards is to be EXCITED! I have never been more excited about something online than this platform.

Wow! I am up at 1:30 in the morning posting content. I would not be doing this on other social networks, but on Steem I am. Super pumped, super stoked. I cannot wait to publish this on @dtube for the community to see and engage with.

Steem provides such a rush of endorphins and feel good emotions that are seriously addicting. Get excited about Steem in order to create that snowball effect.

Priority Factor

The fourth and final ingredient required to create a Steem snowball effect to earn more rewards is priority factor. I put Steem above all other social networks out there.

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram don't even come close to Steem in my opinion. There is so much opportunity on Steem, so much to learn, so much to discover, so much to give back, so many projects to engage in, and on and on and on.

I put Steem as my priority day in and day out. When you place priority on something, then you by golly are going to make things happen. And, as a result, you WILL create that snowball effect and earn more rewards than you ever thought possible. I hope @thejohalfiles, @kpine, and @steemcafe sees this because I am pumped up right now haha.

Thank you guys for tuning into this vlog. I would not be here today if it was not for this incredible community of rock stars. I love you all and can't wait to see you in the next post.

You have the ingredients now to create that Steem snowball effect to earn more rewards on this incredible platform. Go make some good meals and feast on your rewards. This has been Ken Melendez...over and out!


P.S. I can feel your snowball effect building as we speak! Tag me in your content so I can give it some love!

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Very well stated! My 2 week stint did prove the same things to me.

Posted using Partiko iOS, join the beta testing program here

Right on! Got to keep that momentum going and don't stop :)

Thanks @kenmelendez for clarifying some of the things I've had going on in my involvement here on the Steem platform. How often should I be posting? That was one question - daily is the answer. A question I still have is: How do you stay creative and have adequate content of substance and quality?

Hi Gabe! How are you enjoying your DTube shirt?? I stay creative by reading books and by thinking about the things I have interest in. Content ideas are all around you. A lot of times ideas come to me while I am out living life. I will do a video on this topic soon and tag you in it.


Thank you for this. I have been hesitating and hearing your experience eases my anxiety. Thanks for being bold enough to trust in yourself and for inspiring others to do the same! Subscribed and look forward to more.

Hi @hoaxwars that is great to hear! Glad I could inspire you to move past your anxiety :) See you around.

Hi Ken,
Thank you so much for the motivation.
I recently decided to Quit YT for DTube and now I am just starting out here to build a strong community.
Your video just made my aim and motive just a little more clear.
Will be looking forward for your valuable content.
Also, whenever you get time stumble on my video's and tell me If I am doing something wrong.
Need your guidance Ken.
Thanks :)

Great to meet you @vjjoe! Yes, I will stop by your blog for sure :)

That's sweet of you ken :)

YES, I totally agree with your publication ... As a Venezuelan writer, I would like to add that Steemit is the only social network that creates real strategies to support vulnerable communities and countries, such as Venezuela ... You are in true when you say: "There is so much opportunity on Steem, so much to learn, so much to discover, so much to give back, so many projects to engage in, and on and on and on."

Of course, I'll follow you ;-)

Yes, Steem is the answer by far! Glad that Venezuela is feeling the Steem love as well. Appreciate you @yomismosoy!

Thanks a lot @kenmelendez... As a professor at one Arts University, I "force" my students to open a Steemit account to publish theirs contents there :-D

Wow.. You are ahead of the game and lining up your students nicely. Good job @yomismosoy!

Absolutely I handle this on STEEM also this way but in german. I use Facebook and Twitter as a promotion tool for my Steemit Articles and DTube Videos.

That’s great to hear @sprite. Promote Steem to the masses!

My STEEM name is @ spite77, I know the helpful autocorrection. 😉

@kenmelendez We all want to get rewards at steemit, have done very nice analysis, have done very well,so many many thanks for the great information

Alright @milanm! Go create that snowball effect for yourself and earn that Steem!

True, you have to try every day, even if this one day is not successful...
but you go and try... try and try .

With everything there is always a price, and I am not willing to pay the price of everyday consistency. But I agree with you @kenmelendez that is the standard requirement for online success.

I am willing to comment and upvote everyday but do not want to put in the time or effort to post everyday. So I am looking for ways to get good results in less time and with less effort.

One of the possible ways I can do well might be investing in Steem, especially if it trends a lot lower. That might be my tactic for doing well on Steemit without having to post everyday.

The time and energy that I don't commit to posting on Steemit is spent socializing with friends, and spending time with my wife @emaferice and son @zaclucasrice so I have priorities but being successful on Steemit isn't #1.

Hey @chrisrice, one of the main reasons why I take so much action on Steem is so that I can create the lifestyle of freedom I desire and not have to be tied down to a full-time job. Put in the hard work now and reap the benefits later is how I look at it.

I think that mentality will ultimately free you from being tied down to a full-time job @kenmelendez Then you will have more time to do other things.

We live under different circumstances so our priorities are different but I can see your vision, and I have the utmost confidence that you'll reach higher levels of success on Steemit 😊

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