Steem is mentioned in a research paper titled "An Equilibrium Valuation of Bitcoin and Decentralized Network Assets"

in #steem6 years ago


Authored by Emiliano S. Pagnotta and Andrea Buraschi from Imperial College London, I found a mention of Steem in between the pages. Actually, two - the other being being Steemit. That's twice as much as mention of anything else, except for Bitcoin. I'll take that double combo lol. Check it out here:

I don't even know if the paper has any weight, but it looks serious and probably worth paying attention to. Maybe not. Maybe it's just full of fluff. My only activity in the blockchain space these days is waiting for Steem's communities, Smart Media Tokens, EOS's launch, and Tauchain's Alpha release. Can't be bothered about anything else at this point really. Anyway, Steem's at page 5 of the research paper as an example of being in demand because it's censorship resistant. Not the full picture, but fair enough. Can't say the same about bank accounts and traditional media platforms.

The rest of the paper seems to go into game-theoretical studies, economic models, and such. Overall, I just tend to see potential capital flow into decentralised platforms for virtue of being accessible alternatives to the existing powerful centralised systems. Too lazy to think too much about it, but Steem is what people are using actively already, so I think it's relatively safer compared to most cryptocurrencies. I've already hedged this position with EOS and diversified into other assets anyway so there's a certain peace of mind.

On the other hand, Tauchain Agoras is still a work-in-progress, but I now already have expectations for it to turn out to be one of the best inventions ever, hence my confidence in its future. Nope, the research paper doesn't even mention this project at all. It's flying under everybody's radar! *evil grin*. But that's the nature of the hard-to-understand concepts underlying Tau I guess. Or.. maybe I'm just crazy :)

Not to be taken as financial advice.


It was also mentioned in Communications of the ACM back in January. It was a decent article, and it's a high profile publication. I wrote about it in Review: Decentralized Blockchain-Based Electronic Marketplaces [Communications of the ACM, January 2018] (Aside: Steem was mentioned!!!).

Thanks for the share @remlaps!

Greetings, Kevin

I believe that blockchain, being something new and little used, can still grow a lot. You need larger sites to see how this technology works and to create products on top of it. Steemit was a product created that, for now, is working very well.

Here in Brazil for example, the largest private bank we have partnered with ripple to use its blockchain to create some payment method ...

Over time, I imagine that many partnerships and creations will be made in this area.

Thank you and good

bravo, I like your post

This is very interesting, Kevin. Thank you for sharing this as it is encouraging to see The Wider World accepting what we are doing in cryptocurrencies and specifically with steemit

For sure it's always nice to dig out these papers. It's definitely out there like the Internet :). Thanks for dropping by @terrybrock, I miss our conversations!

I agree, Kevin, it’s good to see Steem/it mentioned anywhere, especially, in serious literature.

My wife picked up a few books about blockchain & crypto currency to deepen her understanding. I remember how excited she & I were when they used Steemit as one of the examples, in her textbooks 🤓. May this go on to be a trend! 👐🏼


Yup DPoS is being used in some blockchain projects, like Steem :)

Hello @kevinwong

Good to know about the mention of steem. In a crypto based research paper where no other crypto was mentioned other than bitcoin and steem, is an eloquent sign we are in the right direction.

As you are waiting for the communities, SMT, so are many of us too and I really wonder when that would be. I really would love SMT to be launched before the much anticipated eos. I have the feeling that eos coming before SMT may derive away those who wanted to make use of SMT, to eos. What do you think?

@eurogee of @euronation community

Hard to comment. Anyone wanting to build on EOS at the moment would need more development work put in, while SMT is pretty much lighter in any required dev work.

Ohhhhhhh that's great news. SMT is a goto then. Thanks for this enlightenment.

@eurogee of @euronation community

So much hyped about EOS, right now Ethereum has so much flaws and drawback. (If you look at the most recent JUST Token, an ERC20 token)

As a blockchain developer (I just got started), I think the future is more favourable to EOS, I really like the DPOS concept; let just hope for the best that everything goes well 🙌

Dpos is not without its weaknesses. Shrinking the number of nodes down to 20 or so for speed comes at the cost of security. Witnesses can collude or even be bribed with relative ease. It’s still not tested in a high-cap setting. But if the world starts shifting into multitudes of dpos chains, then I think each chain should be secure enough but probably not be entrusted with funds in the order of trillions. Tens or hundreds of billions maybe. But what do I know lol

I can't wait until Steem is worth $1 trillion to really test it out :)

i'll be surprised if that happens..

I agree with that, but steem is a good example of the witness system;

who knows what happen in the future? Just patiently wait until June ....
( I might start my new project on eos instead of eth haha )

I've worked with eth stuff before. Not desirable, at least to me. But some people have opinions about c++ being used on EOS.

Solidity is okay, but the issue of ETH is that so many flaws project. Meaning that Blockchain developer need more time to test out their project.

Most blockchains, especially smart contract platforms are like toys at this stage. There's no way to proof beforehand that a contract is without bugs, and when it happens it's too late. An example being the DAO exploit back in 2016 on the Ethereum network. I'll wait for Tauchain for these things personally, but I think EOS might be one of the best solutions at the moment for infinite programmability. I just wouldn't want to write a critical contract and not have it last longer than a person's lifetime without possibility of exploits / bug crashes.. and it's a problem if the programming language is undecidable, with possibility of occupying contradictory complexities in code.

Yea totally agree, I saw some project did this because the messed up unsigned integer and integer haha.

I haven't look into Tauchain in details yet, so I can't comment on that.

it's the best thing any dev or investor can do for themselves, imo.

and for SMT, god know what Steemit, Inc is doing inside haha.

For contribution to Steemit official repo, my Pull Request was queued for almost 1 month, with no response. After almost a month or two, they merged my PR, so I feel like Steem are not quite open about their development process. 😕

Well that is so awesome that Steem is featured in a paper like that! It shows progression in the world, at least in my book. Because it shows that crypto is becoming more mainstream and that the blockchain is being utilized in so many new ways. This is great! Thanks so much for sharing!

So a mutual friend who has also invested heavily in tau introduced me to Ohad's project. while I dont understand the technicalities , so I asked my partner to help.
He's a fan of Ohad. So, yes we're glad it's flying under the radar.
Although Kevin the website should be fixed.

This is the first time I have heard Tauchain Agoras. I gotta say that you are going to run into a problem with that one. The so called experts are mostly not. Sciences have been taken over by a cult in many areas. However I have a feeling that eventually you guys will figure that out. Then I think you will see a lot of success.

Good Luck with it.

Thanks @commonlaw. That's agreeable. Ohad (the founder) himself has good insights into it - check out the IRC logs. He's quite something else I must say. I think being part logical deduction machine, Tauchain will enable a convergence of correct propositions that will far outweigh incorrect ones over time.

I wonder if knowledge of the difference between the language of emotions and the language of the analytical mind would help sus out the cultist. I know that a human being can tell when someones contradictions are really a liars fraud, but what about a machines doing the same thing?

IRC logs as in makes IRC logs awesome? As I said today is the first time I have run into theses ideas.

I like the correlation. Thank you for this.

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