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RE: Curation Rewards - for the Wealthy, Lucky or Bored ...

in #steem7 years ago

I find this trend of upvoting one's own comments to be really a cop-out. I've been here nearly a year and have put my time in and earned over 20K steem power, I didnt invest anything but tons and tons of time creating really good posts and commiting to others who are really talented and commenting on their work and developing relationships here. This is not an easy money gig, one has to put time and effort and commitment in!!


Absolutely! You've been through a ton of change during that time from my understanding. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that the next HF20 is aimed at onboarding millions of new users, or making that feasible. And the selling point is to bring them over is the ability to earn. I see many people not sticking it out for the long term like you have because they were sold on earning yet for the massive majority of users here that will be really hard. They'll just abandon ship to their old networks.

Curation is being sold as a method to earn but it's not accessible to any newcomer unless they buy heavily into the platform upfront. What will they end up doing? Self upvoting ... it's a logical progression for people to make when they realize other methods for earning are inaccessible or hard.

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