the importance of remaining grounded..

in #steem7 years ago


Importance is a lack of a better word for what im about to discuss in this blog.

Remaining "grounded" is something many of us fail to do, however it is easy to see those who do. Because they are almost always the happiest and consequently the most successful as well. It's definitely imperative we the make effort to be "grounded" and remain "grounded".

But what does being "grounded" mean? Well, being "grounded" comes in many different forms and it's unique to the individual. This also means it could be negatively impacting ones life or greatly improving it. This is because for one person, something as simple as going for a walk could be what grounds them. However, for another, smoking is the action that brings one back to the moment.

You might even be able to figure out what your "rock" is. Personally, my "rock" has always been the outdoors and being in nature, which never fails to ground me. It could be as simple as going for a hike, or having a long boarding session. Either way, I wish to discuss the importance of this topic.

Being "grounded" is literally: Living in the moment and not giving your time/energy to future endeavors or past instances. Which are mostly, out of your control anyways. If one is not grounded, one cannot enjoy the present moment.

Personally, I have seen it many times over and experienced the negative side of becoming "ungrounded". It causes people to delve into alcohol and drug addictions. Which in turn creates a downward spiral until they reconnect to that "thing" that kept them on planet earth to begin with. Healthy habits could be replaced with very unhealthy ones in attempt to remain sane or "grounded".

Anxiety is also a by-product of losing your "rock". Because of this, people begin to smoke or take up other extravagant problems in order to mend their loss of self.

Luckily, this effect is not permanent and is easily changed. We must always self reflect to know who we truly are as beings and what keeps us as ourselves. Always making time for the action that after all the daily stress of life, brings you back to you.

Let us be more aware of what we enjoy, and what our soul truly desires.

To health and prosperity, let us remain "grounded"!.