Should We Be Up-Voting Our Own Post, Or Is That Considered Tacky? RSVP

in #steem8 years ago

I ask because numbers and votes mean something to me, but so does integrity and fairness. Does anyone out there up-vote their own posts'? Does anyone feel strongly, on this matter? Does voting for your own post work against you, somehow? Feedback please..., oh yeah, and hit that up-vote button for me (I am shameless). Thanks.


Upvoted you

The philosophy is that we cannot prevent it because it is impossible to identify sockpuppet accounts. Therefore, we should embrace it. Also, if it isn't worth your own upvote, then it isn't worth posting.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. 1up-v.

completely fine. In reddit you upvote automatically too, by the way

I have read that upvoting your own posts IS recommended. I have read this on the steem slack channel from steemit developers, as well as in the Steem 101 book that came out just yesterday. Opinion may change over time, and I'll be looking to see what others respond here, but I am upvoting my stuff and currently recommend it to others.

and that will be my new policy. Cool. 1up-vote.

I think you should do it as often as you would laugh at your own jokes. Lol

Several "old timers" have advised me that upvoting your own post is perfectly acceptable, and often even advisable. FWIW.

Thanks for the comment. 1up-v.

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