Do you feel the sense of “community” is growing?

in #steem6 years ago

Perhaps it’s because I am here for over a year now and it’s natural growth but it seems with this recent downturn in price it really highlited a certain sense of community that I don’t know if I saw in this amount before. I think with the low price a lot of the fly by night “get cash now” types being inactive has let more of the true community flourish, does anyone else get that feeling right now?

You notice you don’t see rolling stone writers posting right now and many others who made good profitable posts. This sort of lets me know who is actually interested in helping build this place and who just wants to extract value for themselves. It also really lets me know who I want to support on this platform. I tend to look for what I deem as quality posters plus ones that are interesting in growing and supporting the community. In some ways what I see in my feed over last couple months looks “healthier” than many previous months, again it could be just me.

I also notice projects springing up even during the downturn like @steem-ua just recently and I think that’s a good sign. Crypto to me has always been a long term venture so I tend to look 5 years down the line as compared to short term markets and imo I think many things are sort of working themselves out in this ecosystem. With another hard fork coming and SMT in the works I think it’s going to continue being exciting and innovative times here.

I had recently delegated 500 sp to @hashcash who I noticed put it to use really well and along with all his hard work grew his account rather quickly. I am going to keep his delegation going for awhile but I am also going to keep an eye out for another person to perhaps delegate 500 sp too. It’s nice to actually see the delegation making a difference even with the small amount of sp I have, and I think the downturn helps me weed out lots of fair weather steem posters.

So what about you do you see a growing sense of community or am I just way too optimistic and need to crush that feeling ? :)

Also More trading cards will be being made soon also so if interested reply in comments.


I was just about to write something (vaguely related) like this. I am totally enjoying these low prices as it has also helped me know who's really in and not

but I am also going to keep an eye out for another person to perhaps delegate 500 sp too.

As for this, well am dropping my name in the hat if there's every a sorting list. Just Checked up Hashcash, I definitely don't think I could match that growth speed though

What’s funny is you were one of the ones I was thinking about when I wrote that part :)

So to be honest I think thing have flat lined. The energy level was way up at the beginning of the year. I haven't been as active as of late because of other thing I'm working on.

I’m always a fan of honesty :) yea it seems like a lot of crypto has flatlined. I think a large part of me doesn’t care much cause this is fun to me and is my only social media platform, so the money is just a nice bonus and something to work towards.

Estimado amigo, este es mi primer comentario para ti, es la primera vez que leo tus publicaciones y me gusta el ánimo con el que escribes.
Me gusta que varias personas como tú tengan su confianza puesta en nuestra plataforma, soy un usuario nuevo, apenas llevo 6 meses pero puedo decir que steemit cambió mi vida, es la primera blockchain que he conocido y me ha ayudado mucho.
En la actualidad soy un Steemians a tiempo completo y estar aquí me ha ayudado mucho a que las personas conozcan mi trabajo y lo valoren.
En la actualidad tengo 54 de nivel de reputación y apenas tengo 60 de SP, pero gracias a la invitación de @meno quise aportar un poco de lo poco que tengo a delegación de Steem-ua.
Gracias por ser tan amable en el chat, amigo, saludos desde Venezuela.
Dear friend, this is my first comment for you, this is the first time I read your posts and I like the spirit with which you write.
I like that several people like you have their confidence in our platform, I am a new user, I am only 6 months old but I can say that steemit changed my life, is the first blockchain I have met and has helped me a lot.
I am currently a full time Steemians and being here has helped me a lot so that people know my work and value it.
I currently have 54 reputation level and just 60 SP, but thanks to the invitation from @meno I wanted to contribute a little of what little I have to delegation Steem-ua.
Thanks for being so kind in the chat, friend, greetings from Venezuela.Thank you for being so kind in the chat, friend.

The trading cards are awesome! Keep em coming!

Appreciate that and didn’t recall seeing you before so checking out your blog!

Whenever money comes in you get all the "bad" people who game the system and cheat it to try and make some bucks. It always happens with every social network that tried to pay its users and ends up failing. In theory it sounds like a great idea. However put in the human greed element and its quickly destroyed.

But yes with the downturn in prices you can see the people who really believe, build and communicate providing value instead of just trying to make a quick buck.

Yea who knows what the future holds for steemit and steem but at least it’s a fun ride :)

I kind of agree, fryst switching off his bot and the emergence of so many projects point to a more community feel.

Although my current main emotion is feeling slightly overwhelmed with how to keep track of all the projects which are emrging.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yea it does feel a little overwhelming with all there is to keep track of but I think that’s a good thing in itself. I think many of use don’t want to “miss out” on anything so it does feel like there is a pressure to keep in the know.

It's part of the reason I'm finding getting back into it here so difficult!

Just overwhelmed - I kind of dunno where to focus my attention, hence I've been putting it off and just steem-drifting!

I need a few days solid to refocus myself on all things steem.

Re your delegation there's a link to a post I'll send you in another reply once I've found it - there's a couple othet people doing something similar. Their goal is to gradually power up people to 500SP.

You probably know of it already though!

Posted using Partiko Android

Drifting isn’t bad at all. I am a big fan of just keeping it fun or else it can quickly turn into a low paying job lol

True, but part of the reason I'm procrastinating is 'cos I'm struggling to find the optimum balance between fun posting, integrity posting and return on posting.

I need a personalized algorithm to show me the optimum XYZover!

Posted using Partiko Android

I think the true community is growing after going through a drought. We have a long way to go before it actually reaches the spot that it was when I started though. That's a strange thing. When I started there were all kinds of trails on here. In fact I used to run the food trail for a brief while.

We did go through a period where the community was mostly based on spam. I think we are done with that... and I hope we are.

I noticed that you follow me. I thank you for that. I have followed you back.

First off, one day I need one of those cards... :)

For me, low prices have made me make the hard decision of staying around. Last year I ran, only to return to my stagnated SP. This time, I was determined to grow even in hard times and I am proud to announce that I have made half of the SP I made in my newbie year in a month. I am also the Admin of @eye4art and trust me, giving back is even more awesome! :)

Posted using Partiko Android

I wish I had more time but right now since building the house we have all these projects and now I got a psycho neighbor to add to the mix of an already hectic schedule. But once winter gets here the projects will end and I will be able to spend more time on here. I love steemit.

The one thing I've always said about Steemit is that it has the best sense of community compared to other social platforms. Other blogging sites, like Tumblr, have me feeling like I'm just dumping content into a void. But here, I feel really inspired seeing and connecting with so many talented artists.

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