
please write longer posts so I can actually give you a real upvote, and I won't give them anylonegr for short messages, you will look like a spam bota nd you may get flagged on accident so PLEASE only leave longer messages! It doenst have to be correct or perfect english, it can be translated through google!

I am fine with auto translated english, just make the effort! Post longer messagesd! Say anything as long as it is related or relevant to the subject of my post in some way!

I believe you are smarter than this! You can write much longer comments and get a lot more money for them on my Blog! I see you on every post I make so just write longer messages maybe show me some cool pictures with an explanation, just make a SEGWAY

use my blog to talk about somnething then change subject to discuss YOUR recent blog post and show it to me on my blog just make it RELEVANT! That is one dway you can show me a post you made AS LONG AS IT IS RELEVANT to MY post, I don't mind you posting your piucs here!

Just please post longer comments please!