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RE: Resource Credits Explained by Senior Blockchain Engineer @Vandeberg

in #steem5 years ago

In all due honesty the whole thing is two faced. People who came here did so because it was trotted as the place you could earn for posting and blogging. So it was pay to play. Now a couple two, three years down the road they faced the problem of people spamming and taking advantage of the system. Now they want to implement stake to play. Really though what has stake to play shown?...basically the same pattern as those who were spamming and taking advantage of the system, a lot of people with high stake spamming junk all over the trending page for a high rate of return....I hardly call that being premium. Yeah it's premium pay to those abusing and bid bot owners but it's not building a premium blockchain by any means. In essence what they are saying is if you want to invest a large sum of money into buying steem we'll let you abuse this system all you want. The ironic part is there are many accounts out there who don't buy into bidbots and have done quite well on the platform, they'll continue to do well because they've honestly earned their way into it...on the other hand for similar like minded people they have basically made it impossible to onboard them as, in my opinion, those people producing high quality content are obviously intelligent people who aren't going to invest into a system they feel they will have to cheap-en themselves to gain back their investment in a timely fashion. I highly doubt they will onboard new accounts representing real people behind them, what I think we will continue to see is the expansion of sock puppets with those people finding creative ways to delegate to their socks, growing accounts that will let eventually let them powerdown one sock while working their other socks to enable them to do the same thing. I don't mean to sound like a debbie downer in all this but in the reality of it all it will be, in the end, why regulators will come down and regulate crypto's. I would hardly imagine that when the times comes they will not accept the excuse we didn't have any other means to deal with spammers while letting investors spam the system for profit. In the real world of things...and usually the real world does tend to come knocking, what this amounts to is nothing short of what they call giving kickbacks only in this case they are kicking back to themselves. Whatever lights their fires I guess but one day they may find themselves seriously burned.


There is no perfect system and it's hard to anticipate how people will use and abuse it. The hardforks have tried to address the issues. It was not pay to play originally as you did not have to buy anything. New users can still get some delegation from Steemit and I'll do it for accounts I create with RCs. I don't like to be absolutist about things and I still see potential for Steem. You can earn despite the bots and other abuse.

I know you can still earn without the bots and other abuse....I plainly stated such and have seen it first hand. What their main concern should be is looking at the consequences (and the day will come, it always does, just like the IRS sending out letters to crypto holders) of trying to explain how you felt you could be selective in going after who was abusing the system especially when the people they didn't go after were the highest stake holders using multiple accounts to obtain what most would consider kickbacks to themselves...the real pain will be felt by any who may be making these decisions and are engaging in this same behavior. I am just pointing out that every financial investor/instution whose run the gambit on the fringes eventually has fallen, most into a prison cell. The SEC chairman has already declared that holders of cryptos have the same protections as any other fiat because crypto's hold a value therefore they fall under the same regulatory guidelines as other fiat. You can make moves that benefit a sector of those participating but there is a question of legality in the long term...and like all the Bernie Madoff's of the world come to eventually realize their are consequences to be paid it's just a matter of when. That comes in steps....first the acknowledgement that crypto's have value and fall under the same regulatory guidelines, done, then the acknowledgement that people must and will be forced to pay taxes on it, done, all that leaves is the acknowledgement that there will be enforcement upon regulations just like any other investor/investments.

i totally agree with your comment . As a content creator i won't invest my money and even my video here.

It feel really cheap-en myself. My video after 1 to 2 years still generate money but here i only have 7 days .

At youtube if your video generate view, you get a share of the ads revenue .

Now with the ads implement in to steemit , will it share the profit with content creator that create good content? If no than it feel like we are working for free.