My First Post on Steemit!!

in #steem7 years ago

I am so excited to join and becoming a part of the growing Steem community.In my first blog post i will share how i came to be on Steemit.

Im a young African studying in University in South Africa.I first found out about bitcoin about a year ago and i remember someone rallying people on social media when it had just hit a thousand bucks to join the wave.I chuckled and ignored it partly because i was scared it was complicated and i did not know where to start exactly.

Im a big fan of technology news so im always on google looking for news about new developments as in Africa we tend to be behind in tech advancement stuff.

My renewed interest in bitcoin surged again towards the end of March this year when Bitcoin was rallying towards $2000.This time being older and mature also seeking my own financial independence i decided to learn more about the crypto world and by May i had an account and made my first $50 investment into Bitcoin.

Now i know some of you might be wondering why i started with a background to Bitcoin.The reason is Bitcoin made me research more about cryptocurrencies and new developments on the blockchain.

I invested into litecoin and Ethereum as soon as we got access in South Africa! After a couple of weeks hearing about Steem on Youtube and largely ignoring it like i did with bitcoin initially i was finally persuaded to research and join the Steem community after watching a video by a guy called theDollar Vigilante.

This my friends is how i came on Steem and am sharing this post with you.I wish to read stories about other Users's experience with Steem.In the next post i will reveal what content i want to share on my blog!

Happy Posting:)


Great story! I am also new to steemit and am eager to learn about the world of crytpocurrencies and making money through a screen!

Great lets get this money!

heres six cents just for a comment! Now u can tell people u DO get a Nickel for every comment you make online! haha always have fun with GIFS too, like me telling you COngratulations, heres a lil money but its better than nothing!

Hello I need help I have my password which is real long. I don’t know what to do now and it is hard to find help. Any advise? Rose

keep posting and u will end up like my friend @tj4real in Ghana or @xpency and look at the TOP of that was from me resteeming his story! $1600 !!! I am gonna help him become steemit afrcca ambassaor to all the western americans on FACEBOOk we will have @tj4real organize a group where we canhave smeone be in charge of making VIDEO ads

we can deligate some steem to pay some african film makers to make a short video explaining how if a facebook or rwiotter user joins steemit, and buys steem or SBD they can use that money to send DIRECTLY to an afrocan in need and avoud ALL the "chairties" like unicef which onky gives less than 1 percebt of the money to poor epeople and UNICEF ceo makes 100,000$ dollars a MONTH millions year! and that mony should ALL go to africans and ppeple in other developing nations!

now instead of donting to nebuou chairties, u can adevrtise on facebook and we canpay for a Youtuve ad campaign here we market steemit not as a way to MAKE money but asa way to SEND money

we an get TONS of people on reddit and facebook and instagram in the west to join steemit JUST so they can easily send money DIRECTLy to an african in neeed!

we will SHOW them how easy it canbe to actually SEND money to people i afric DIREECTLy with a TV commercial and we steemit whales and dolphins in America and the west will PAy for it!!!

we will getpeople to join steemit JUSt to beable to send money to you in africa and u canget the poorest peeople in africa too stll have smartphones and make money! (exept for closed systems like muritania or other strange closed countries near sudan and east africa, i know there are crazy countries where they make everyone join the military for life and noone is allowed to ahve a computer or internet etc

but much of africa is pretty free an people are free to have internet if they can afford it!

and with money we can change lives and now we have the power to send money with bitcoin and crypto currency qand it will CHANGE the world in ways NONE ccould do before!!!!

u are going to be like the founding fathers of a new developed africa

i noticed ts many african menbut few africanwomen, u need to get more african women onboard too! women should be doing their art and showing their talents too and u can mke music videos and i know there are many youtube stars of aria already it can really bee something very very cool to use MEDIa and INTENET to drivethe economy wheneverything else falls short u can depend on the internet and video to save the day!

Great story my Friend. Thanks for sharing. The truth is most of us were in the same position. At first we didn't believe in technology and the wave of digital currency but look where we are now. The world is changing and we need to change with the world or be left behind. Looking forward to reading your next posts.

im new to steemit!! I love social media but i love TRADIING CRYPTOS even more I will be doing a Raffle For the first 100...500....1000 followers for FREE CRYPTOS