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RE: I Love Steem & EOS.....oh and how could I forget, Bitshares

in #steem6 years ago

I sure can't disagree with anything you've said here in principle. As we see often, all too often, in the real world, however, great principles get subsumed by the drive of some parties to personally profit.

This is why government has become oppression, rather than mutual defense.

While blockchain may have some resistance to the profiteer syndrome, nothing people do is immune to human frailty. We see how BCC has been a scam, and I'm certain that many people honestly saw only good in BitConnect. Unfortunately, those people lost their money when the scammers took off with it.

Therefore it is necessary to be vigilant to the personnel involved in blockchain endeavors, and careful examination of the things they are doing and saying will need to be undertaken to ensure that no such profiteers render such potential for good as they have to be perverted as has government itself.

Two examples of things I think are of concern are how stake-weighting VP centralizes control of the blockchain on Steem, and questions about the history of Brock Pierce of EOS.

Thanks for this great post!


I completely agree that any potential weaknesses around individuals and systems that damage their ability to act with integrity need to be challenged. The best way to do that is with careful, balanced research and evidence. Brock Pierce is innocent until proven guilty in my eyes but scrutinising people in positions of influence and responsibility is absolutely necessary and should come as no surprise to them.

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