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RE: @ned just flagged me back to 7 rep for speaking the truth, again.

in #steem6 years ago

I dislike all the SteemIt Inc bashing, not because I think they don't deserve it sometimes, but mostly because it is self-defeating unless you are working on a solution.

I wish I was a big eough person to pass by your comment on andrarchy, but he was hired as a community liaison. How was that a good decision based on any measure you can think of? He disappeared and occasionally writes an odd defensive sounding post. lol. I'm not saying he isn't a good guy, he just didn't seem to be a good hire. :) Shame on me for saying this, there is no reason to point it out.


I know what you are saying on the Steemit Inc bashing. It is pretty hard to get where they have gotten and they have secured their future. If it was easy then everyone would do it. There is a reason why there hasn't been a lot of competition over the last two years of other platforms that reward a person in crypto. There is a reason why VICE and SMOKE still aren't out yet. It takes a lot of money, development, and time.

As far as @andrarchy goes I take a pretty neutral stance on him and his position as community liaison. Back in 2016 I got so pissed off I even e-mailed Steemit Inc because they were always "collecting resumes" pretending to be looking to hire people when to me there were maybe 4 or 5 good candidates already hard at work on this blockchain which I recommended to them and one was @andrarcy mainly because his excitement and willingness to explain the STEEM ecosystem to people at the time. After he got the position he did a few things that conveyed what STEEM was pretty well I felt like.

As of today there are a lot of things we don't know. We don't know how much they are paying him or at what capacity he is working on this. They might not be paying him that great and it could be in a limited remote role. I really don't know.

Also we don't know a lot of things he might do behind the scenes that we don't see. So I'm more talking about him being a good hire when they first did it in late 2016 or early 2017 or whenever. Today I really can't say what the situation is.

If I had the capital resources, technical abilities, great team..... etc I would take what we have learned from Steemit, DLive, DTube, Steepshot....etc and would try to build a platform that had some improvements and a fair initial distribution. I would do it ASAP because we see this is what the future is but it isn't easy.

Simply we don't have the proper foundation to get the job done and it doesn't look like anyone else does either. That is why I give and guys like @andrarchy a pass.

Well said, reasonable and true!

I like andrarchy and it is a bit disheartening that he seemed to actually be more active in the community before he was hired than he has been after he was hired. I almost never notice anything from him now, but before he was hired I frequently would run into something he was involved in.

It's important for a community liaison to, you know liaise with the community.. I have written numerous comments that addressed him directly in the past with salient points to share - and he never even replied to most of them.

I don't really know what to say - except it is pretty clear that there is absolutely no intention to perform in any way that could be called 'world class' (or even average).

Yeah, it is sad. He was active and prolific before the hired him. He wrote and made some truly inspiring videos. He coordinated and ran some communities in chat. He was a generally steem ecosystem focused guy and it showed.

I saw a few things when he was first hired, but honestly it has been a very long time since I've seen anything that was overtly done by him. There may be some covert things that he did through some other name, project, etc. yet those things I don't really know. If that is the case. The overt approach was far better PR.

I have to wonder what went wrong.. Maybe he learned something that changed his intentions.

My friend, I truly have no clue when it comes to that. I don't even have any speculations as I've seen nothing to grab onto for me to form possibilities from.

Sure, yes, me neither.

People come and go. It takes a lot for a human to engage in something. When people focus too much on specific people we miss the bigger picture.

This is true, except when the person is being hired specifically to be the community liaison.

No it's always true. A person is unconscious if they obsess about a person's action. Personal responsibility is what people should focus on. Obsess about external reality is a waste of time.

I don't tend to accept ALWAYS, NEVER, EVERYONE, etc. Absolutes are very rarely true when applied to people, and this is no exception. All it takes is a single case of it not being the case for the absolute to be invalid.

Absolutes are good. We need more of that in the world. People confident in what they believe in. Always I say because that means let's say 99% of times. Of course a person can be a word police and try to do all 100% accurate but for me that is a waste of time and energy. 😉😊

Absolutes are good. We need more of that in the world.

Are you a preacher, priest, etc. Absolutes based upon belief are called Dogma. It is the basis for most religions. Your definition of GOOD and mine vary quite a bit.

lways I say because that means let's say 99% of times. Of course a person can be a word police and try to do all 100% accurate but for me that is a waste of time and energy.

In this case I wouldn't even say you are correct about it being 99%. I don't even suspect it is MOST. Though this is me guessing just like you. You are guessing it is 99%. I am guessing it is not.

Either one of us could be right or wrong. That tends to happen when people try to pass off their speculations/guesses/hypothesis as fact.

I don't consider any of my own ideas absolute. Doing so is naive in my opinion.

I believe in self confidence above word magic. I trust my instinct above all else. The world is not run by word magic it's way more complex than that. The world is also not run on Logic but on pure Intelligence. There is more Intelligence in the air around us than in our own brain.

I get what you are saying with that. We did see a lot from him before he was hired and I don't know if a lot of the stuff he does are things we just don't see in a video format of him addressing the community or what. I just really can't say.

Yeah I don't know either. He could be involved in a lot of things he is not getting credit for or that we don't know.

That's the problem I would have expected to SEE him involved in a lot more things with official support.

My expectations could be wrong.

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