How to get 20 years in jail in the USA with just a piece of paper and a pencil. (A short how to.)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Step 1

Get some paper and a pencil

Step 2

Write this number down


Step 3

Anger the authorities, have them catch you with this, and get prosecuted

Congratulations you are guilty of possessing a prime number that can decode DVD's. Have fun! Section 17 USC 1201(a)(2) says it is illegal to traffic any circumvention technology or devices. This article posted courtesy of a non US resident.

It should also be noted the irony that this article and the currency system it is running on use strong cryptography just as DVD encryption has a very weak form of cryptography.

Image source CMU and ACM


well done xiobus, once again!

I might be punchie this late at night but.. what?

Yes it is a violation of copyright protection something that used to be civil... is now criminal in the United States.
and why not when you can get a life sentence for selling $20 of weed...

Also just selling a few copies of songs or movies can get you in jail a while.....

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Lol. Cool post buddy.
some of the number is unreadable though :o

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