
I just noticed you have a website
Nicely done! I love the little store-front gif with the animated neon signs.
I used to make websites using nothing more than Notepad++, but have stopped making them quite a few years ago. Wordpress has so many plug-ins that it is hardly worth the effort to make a website from scratch. Just download Wordpress, install a template to suit your needs and swap out the graphics as desired and boom! You have a website that is adaptable to the various devices used to access the website. There is no need to learn all the evolving HTML versions as they evolve.

Thanks! Yep, WordPress is awesome, no coding needed, all that is just a theme with some plugins, and some minor CSS code changes. That animated background is just on the about page ( did no want to increase load times for all the pages). It is just a plugin that lets you add a video background instead of static image.

WordPress will eventually take over the internet since it is open source, I think currently over 30% of all websites use it.

I was once tempted to learn to use one of the Content Management Systems (CMS) such a Joomla, Drupal or Magento, but never got around to it and then slowly started weaning myself out of the website business, so there was no longer any point to doing the extra work of learning these systems.

I believe many people think that the HOSTED Wordpress sites are operated by the same Wordpress that provides the open-source software. I was surprised when I learned that they are 2 very different entities. Since Wordpress is open source, someone just took the software and began offering hosted websites using the free software, then began charging for enhanced services. Very clever.

So the animated store-front is an actual video and not a gif? I would not have guessed.

Yeah, since WordPress is open source pretty much all hosting companies offer it now as a CMS, the crazy thing about it, it is only about 15 years old, since it is so simple to use I would not be surprised if in another 15 years over 90% of websites run on it. is a little different, they offer hosting also, but they do charge extra for some features, they are the creators of the actual open source software though. The actual WordPress software can be run on any website host that wants to run it.

The background is just an mp4 file, cant remember exactly why I did that but I think it is because most website that use videos for their backgrounds use mp4 files and I think a gif would have actually been a bigger file size. is a little different, they offer hosting also, but they do charge extra for some features, they are the creators of the actual open source software though. The actual WordPress software can be run on any website host that wants to run it.

See... that's what I was attempting to say... is NOT the same as they are NOT the same people. made wordpress. simply took the software and began charging for the extra services. I don't remember where I read that; either on one of their websites or on Wikipedia.

Well technically they kind of are the same people, Matt Mullenweg is the creator of the open source WordPress software, he basically realized he needed to make money to keep WordPress going so he started a company called Automatic and where they started charging for additional hosting/features. But the actual core WordPress software, that they are still working on and updating, is always open source and free. Here is a good interview with him where he explains it

Oh wow! Thanks for finding that interview. Obviously the information I was repeating was incorrect (or I interpreted it incorrectly). That was really an interesting interview. I'm glad I brought it up so that you could set me straight. THANK-YOU! I would love to have a boss like him.

Yep, definitely seems like a great company to work for :)

Player 10
Action 2: Move to C18

Player 10
Action 3: Catch fish