
Just to ensure I cover the specifics of what you are asking (not sure if you mean the voting process or how the proposals on the ballot were selected, ill cover both).

Will the ballot and voting process be open to the public?

The ballot is open for all to see, will be done through the dpoll app and votes can be seen in real time. There are also full audits and filter settings that will be open for all to see. No secrets here 🙂

Were the choices that are currently on the ballot open to all or selected in a secret way?

All choices on the ballot (current proposals) came from the community themselves and everyone was welcome to submit any proposal they wanted. There were no rules about what could be submitted or who could submit them. There was no “selection process” that chose what ended up on the ballot or not. All that was asked is that they were submitted on a specific “call for proposals” by a certain cut off time and the initial call for proposals was made over 6weeks ago.

I hope that answers the question and if not, please let me know and we can clarify more if needed.

Thank you

Thank you for the detailed answer. But thatbdealsbwith auditing not secrecy.
A secret ballot means you know an individual voted but you don't know who they voted for. Ex you can confirm they clicked 'confirm' but you don't know thebchoice they made.
It is mostly done tonprotect privacy and prevent vote buying / influence.
For example if I say I voted for A but I actually voted for B no one can determine this.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah yes, with dpoll you can see who voted for what in real time and therefore it’s fully open and nothing secret whatsoever.

While there may be some benefits to privacy by keeping it closed, as you mentioned, it’s then harder to audit.

The reason dpoll was selected is it gives a way that is very transparent to run this vote and the goal from the beginning has been transparency, which we wanted to provide in the vote itself as well.

Great question, thank you. and thank you for the clarification

Yeah I just checked myself.

I know there were changes made and Ibwas wondering if somewhat anonymous was one of them.

Posted using Partiko Android