Achievement task are to be published in the newcomers community...
also make sure to always include your country tag #cameroon in all your articles
Hello, i don't understand, you made this post 5months ago and it hasn't been verified because you didn't post in the newcomer's community. Please post in the newcomer's community
Here is the link to the one i moved to newcomerscommunity
Achievement 3 task by @shieks. Content Etiquette on Steemit
Thanks for the correction
Achievement task are to be published in the newcomers community...
also make sure to always include your country tag #cameroon in all your articles
Hello, i don't understand, you made this post 5months ago and it hasn't been verified because you didn't post in the newcomer's community. Please post in the newcomer's community
Here is the link to the one i moved to newcomerscommunity
Achievement 3 task by @shieks. Content Etiquette on Steemit
Thanks for the correction