Overcoming vices Through jesus christ

in #steemchurch7 years ago

We as a whole have habits, both great and awful. Anything you do naturally without intentionally contemplating it, or without particularly choosing to do it, is an habit. Great habit or practices--, for example, neatness, affability, great behavior and so on are a genuine gift. Be that as it may, when the habits you've grabbed are BAD or DESTRUCTIVE, and you discover them hard or relatively difficult to transform, they are known as VICES.

It has been said that "The chains of bad habits patterns are excessively frail, making it impossible to be felt until the point when they are too solid to possibly be broken!"- - EXCEPT by the Lord! Furthermore, "habit is a link; you weave a string of it consistently, and finally you can't break it."- - These are valid.


What the vast majority don't understand is that a vice or a bad habit pattern is regularly MORE than only an imbued characteristic response. When you have a specific shortcoming, and you engage and surrender to it for a drawn out timeframe, all the time malicious spirits- - devils - are BEHIND these habits, playing them up and endeavoring to keep you dependent on them, particularly on the off chance that they are negative behavior patterns which imperil you or your wellbeing, or your association with others.

As indicated by God's Word, there are unquestionably evil spirits who play up specific sins and indecencies and endeavor to demolish us through them.- - Such as devils of voracity, evil spirits of liquor and medications and cigarettes, evil presences of betting, evil presences of sexual depravities, of homosexuality and so forth. These are probably the most OBVIOUS indecencies, yet what numerous individuals don't understand is that things like ,hatred,guilt, stress, pride, desire, affectedness, dread, lying and misdirection are additionally negative behavior patterns and indecencies, and the profound forces that quandary individuals to them can be similarly as solid and dangerous as the enslavement that drives somebody to urgent betting, medications or liquor manhandle!

There are evil presences that will attempt to hurt and demolish you in relatively every period of your life in the event that you let them. This is particularly valid in the event that you have a TENDENCY or a BESETTING SIN along some line, say, for instance, a solid slant to be desirous or to basically judge others.- - Or in the event that you have a WEAKNESS towards alcohol whatever else. The Enemy can play on that and entice you with it always.

"ALL power is given unto Me in Heaven and in Earth," Jesus said (Matthew 28:18), and we have JESUS, so we have HIS energy, so even the shrewd spirits and evil presences are subject unto us!- - Matthew 1O:1; Luke 9:1; 1O:17-19, Acts 8:7. On the off chance that there are wicked powers behind your bad habit, you can reprimand them for the sake of Jesus, and they HAVE to DEPART!

To conquer a vice or unfortunate bad habit , you first of all need to get conveyed of the profound power that is behind the negative behavior pattern. Before you're conveyed, the coupling soul may essentially have control, yet after you are DELIVERED, it will be inside your energy to RESIST its reentry!

It's not YOUR blame that you get TEMPTED. It's not possible for anyone to shield enticement from coming, yet you don't need to YIELD to allurement! "You can't shield feathered creatures from flying over your head, however you can CERTAINLY shield them from building a NEST in your hair!" Attack and hit the Devil back each time he tries his strategies on you! The Devil can just win on the off chance that you SURRENDER! He can NEVER win as long as you continue FIGHTING. "Oppose the Devil and he will FLEE from you!"- - James 4:7. For whatever length of time that you continue opposing, he'll continue escaping. Be that as it may, in the event that you quit opposing, he utilizes his untruths and enticements and influence to win. At the point when JESUS WAS TEMPTED by the Devil, He battled him with SCRIPTURES!- - Luke 4:1-13. So quote the Word of God and reproach the Enemy!

The Following is an example of a petition for deliverance that you may discover supportive, as it offers you a case, not just of how to shout to the Lord for His assistance to beat indecencies, yet additionally how to CLAIM and QUOTE Scriptures as you rebuke the devil:

(prayer:) "Master Jesus, I shout to YOU now with my entire heart and solicit You, by the power from Your Holy Spirit, to FREE me from the repulsive hold that this bad habit has on my life! YOU said in Your WORD, Jesus, Greater is He that is in me (YOU in my heart, Lord!) than he that is in the World (the Devil)!'- - So I KNOW that YOU are GREATER than the Enemy and CAN defeat this bad habit! You stated,ALL control is given unto Me in Heaven and on Earth' and that `if ye should ask ANYTHING in My Name, I WILL DO it'!- - So I ask You at the present time, Jesus, to BREAK each hold the Enemy has throughout my life and DESTROY the energy of this negative behavior pattern! I REBUKE the Devil and ALL of his impact, at this moment, in Jesus' name!Amen.



No matter the obstacles we may face, when we trust in God and his son, Jesus, it will be easy for us to overcome them. Thanks for sharing this.

Yes, trust in Christ affords us the grace to overcome. I call it OVERCOMING GRACE!

We agree with you over here at SteemChurch. We can actually overcome anything when we have Christ's backing.

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Thanks at steemchurch for the esteem, it is necessary for us to know that, as long as we are humans, we will surely have pressures from the enemies, but for also to be able to abstain from them, that's what makes us children of God.

The chains of bad habits patterns are excessively frail, making it impossible to be felt until the point when they are too solid to possibly be broken.

When we become addicted to a vice,we don't necessarily feel the effect on our lives until its too Late, we need the power of prayer in overcoming these vices.

It is only through prayers that a man needs can be heard by God,so we shouldn't doubt the power that prayers have. Thanks for sharing friend.

I love this topic. Pardon me because my comment might be too much.

We all have habits, both good and bad. Anything you do automatically without consciously thinking about it, or without specifically deciding to do it, is a habit. Good habits or practices--such as tidiness, courtesy, good manners etc. are a real blessing. But when the habits you've picked up are BAD or DESTRUCTIVE, and you find them hard or almost impossible to change, they are known as VICES.
It has been said that "The chains of bad habits are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken!"--EXCEPT by the Lord! And "Habit is a cable; you weave a thread of it every day, and at last you cannot break it."--These are very true.

How many times have you tried to quit a bad habit, but found yourself almost powerless to get rid of it or stop doing it, no matter how much you tried to exert will power against it? The fact is that, in one area or another, we are all weak and very human and fallible, and subject to many different problems which can turn into bad habits and vices.

"Ye are of GOD, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is HE (JESUS) that is IN YOU, than HE (THE DEVIL) that is in the WORLD."--1John 4:4. The power of the Lord is far greater, and is able to break all the chains that may bind you!

I have always said that vehind every problem there is always a trophy,and every problem we encounter is a way to shape our understanding and our perspective towards the world.

Well said @adosimena, we need Jesus Christ in every situation because not every situation one faces in life is a physical battle.

Jesus is our overcomer. He guarantees us the power to overcome. If only we do things in his name, he'll surely be our father.

To conquer a vice or unfortunate bad habit , you first of all need to get conveyed of the profound power that is behind the negative behavior pattern.

And the power behind negative behaviour is satan, that is why we must call on jesus to help us overcome such vices

How did Christians overcome in the bible?


That is the same way you can overcome:

  1. The blood of Jesus
  2. The word of God (The bible)
    The blood will wash away your sins.
    The word will keep you away from your sins.
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