"But those who belong to Christ have crucified the sinful nature with their passions and desires."

in #steemchurch5 years ago

"But those who belong to Christ have crucified the sinful nature with their passions and desires."

When was the sin nature crucified? When they consider that at the time when Christ was crucified, they died, on that basis they will surrender in consecration to the Lord. In Romans 6:13, the apostle Paul wrote: "13 neither do you present your members to sin as instruments of iniquity, but present yourselves to God as living from the dead, and your members to God as instruments of justice."


In addition the apostle wrote in Colossians 3: 3; "3because you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God." And also remember the passage we have already read in a previous program in this letter to Galatians 2:20: "20 With Christ I am together crucified, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me; and what I now live in the body , I live it in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. " In all these passages the main idea is that when Christ was crucified, the believer was crucified at the same time. The believer has then been united to the living Christ, and victory is not obtained by fighting, but by surrendering to Christ. The word of Scripture is "surrender," and it is an act of will.

And now let's see the key to everything. Let's read verse 25:
"If we live by the Spirit, we also walk by the Spirit."

Remember that in verse 16 of this same chapter, in the phrase Walk in the Spirit, it is "peripating." But here "walking" is a different Greek word: it is "stoichomen", which is basic and elementary, and means "moving forward or taking a step in order". In verse 16 we were given the principle to walk; here in verse 25 means learning to walk, to walk. Just as we learned to walk physically by the method of trying and making mistakes, we have to start walking in the Spirit. It is a learning process.

Let us illustrate this with a fairly simple example. What is walking? Well, it's putting one foot in front of the other. This means then, learning to walk. Now, how did you learn to walk? Did you go to a school or to a special institution where they taught a course to learn to walk? When you have a baby, you do not offer practical demonstrations about walking for later observation and imitation. Thus one does not learn to walk. You learn by experimenting, trying, falling.

this work was taken from the bible school.