in #steemchurch7 years ago

Jesus referred himself as the light of the world at various instances in the bible. So we Christians must follow this lead and let the light shine on others so that they can see Christ in us.

For every one who does not have the light, then his deeds should be exposed but he who does what is true comes to the light, that it may clearly be seen that his deeds have been wraught in God".

Again Jesus reffered himself as the light of the world after he had discharged the woman caught in adultery. He said to the people " I am the light of the world, he who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life".

Furthermore, he reffered himself as the light of the world as his disciple's passed by and saw a blind man from birth, they asked him, if the mans blindness was a result of his sins or that of his parent but Jesus replied to them saying "it was not this man that sinned or his parents, but that the world of God might be fulfilled, we must work the works of him who sent me while it is day, night comes when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.


Jesus constantly reffered to himself as the light of the world which means that his way of life is perfect and he is perfectly sitted at the right hand of God. The light he brought to the world is the word of God which people must embrace in other to be saved. Jesus said that he is the true vine while his father takes away every branch in him that does not bear fruit unless it abides in the vine.

Jesus is the vine while Christians are the branches, therefore Christians must abide in Jesus in order to be fruitful. Anyone who fails to abide in jesus will whither and be burnt. Jesus said if we abide in him, whatever we ask shall be given to us. The father is also glorified when the branch produce. Jesus is calling Christians to live a Worthy life of the gospel of Jesus Jesus Christ. Christians should depend on God(Jesus) for their needs.

As Christians, we should be fruitful in all our endeavors. Participate in things that glorify God and learn to use your talents given to you by God, and I ensure you that Gods blessing.

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