SC-TELOS: Remembering better is giving than receiving.
Giving is receiving. Apparently you give something and expect one day to receive in return even more. The one who gives, renounces something to achieve something even bigger, later.
[by @marciabon]
Forget while reading this text of the change letter, shares, savings quota and other related terms when we think of Economy.
The great error of the one who gives is to believe that he will receive in the same way as he offered it. By the way, that even impoverishes any gift. When people invest in a friendship for example, it does not mean that person will be our friend forever, but we will certainly be "certified" in the Friendship Bank.
The favor you do for someone is not always paid for by that same person. The rewards of life come, but not always as we think (on the basis of direct exchanges). He is not thinking about receiving that we are paid.
The greatest blessing occurs when "giving" becomes for us a "retribution". To give many kisses in my daughters, is to receive much more!
The secret is that giving is always a good investment, therefore giving is receiving. "bertha, I lent 10 sovereigns to someone and when he needed me he did not lend me"! It is not so-and-so that he is going to repay, it is the Bank of Love for his neighbor.
Investments in that bank do not have any risk. Therefore, do not help anyone to wait for return, never make turns with God to get more money, when you want to help someone financially, earn in generosity. Do not give anything that does not make you feel already present!
Throw your bread on the waters, because after many days you will find it.
Ecclesiastes 11: 1
I have shown you in everything that, working like this, it is necessary to help the sick, and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, who said: More blessed thing is to give than to receive.
Acts 20:35
[by @uyobong]
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Giving is the nature of a Christian sister Bertha.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Matthew 5: 7