Know The Spiritual Coverages

in #steemchurch6 years ago


"And the Lord said to Cain," Where is your brother Abel? "And he said," I do not know, am I my brother's keeper? "(Genesis 4: 9).

"Keep, oh God, because I trust in you." (Psalm 16: 1)

What would you do if you were with your home without coverage in rainy weather?

When you plan to build a house, you need to have a good foundation, but it is good to also think about good coverage. Many houses that are beautiful and well manufactured, but because they do not have good coverage, besides being vulnerable, they become ugly.

WHAT IS UNDERSTOOD BY COVERAGE? It is the act of covering; to protect; home; defend; safeguard etc.

When we bring this "cover" theme to the spirit world, the previous texts suggest an idea about it.


  1. HEAVENLY COVERAGE. "If the Lord does not build the house, those who build it labor in vain, and if the Lord does not guard the city, the watchman watches in vain (Psalm 127: 1).

In the desert God gave spiritual cover to his people through a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire during the night. "He spread a cloud to cover them, and a fire to light them at night" (Psalm 105: 39).

God invites us to live in his hiding place, because only thus, resting in the shadow of his wings. "He who dwells in the hiding place of the Most High, in the shadow of the Almighty, will rest" (Psalm 91: 1).
God covers all his people with forgiveness. "You have lost the iniquity of your people, they will cover all their sins" (Psalm 85: 2)
God covers all our transgressions with his love. "Having first ardent love one with another, for love covers a multitude of sins," (1 Peter 4: 8).
God covers his children with garments of salvation. "I rejoiced greatly in the Lord, my soul will rejoice in my God, because he clothed me with garments of salvation, he clothed me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorning himself with a garland, and as a bride who has gone with his jewelry ". (Isaiah 61: 10)

  1. ANGELICAL COVERAGE. "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them" (Psalm 34: 7).

Just as Satan has invested heavily through his demons to destroy humanity, so God has sent his angels to work for humanity. There are legions and legions of ministering angels available to all who believe.

The angels of the Lord are at the service of those who have to inherit salvation. "They are not all ministering spirits, sent to serve on behalf of those who will inherit salvation." (Hebrews 1:14)
Our ways are saved. God protects us every day of our life. "For to his angels give order to your respect, to keep you in all your ways" (Psalm 91: 11). The prophet Daniel testified that his way was guarded by the Lord. When he was in the pit of the lions he said, "My God sent his angel, who closed the lions, and they did not hurt me, because innocence was found in my presence before him, and also before you, O king, I did not commit any crime "(Daniel 6: 22).

  1. COVERAGE MINISTERIAL priests o. "Obey your guides, being submissive, because they watch over your souls as those who must render an account of them, so that they do so with joy and not moaning, because that would not be useful for you." (Hebrews 13:17)

I mean the angel of the Church. The one whom the Lord constituted as prince and priest in the midst of his people. This is the representative of the Church of God on Earth. Your Pastor is responsible for ministering this coverage of your life and family. When we lose this coverage our spiritual house begins to appear stains, the walls become moldy. The environment loses the scent of Christ and begins to smell old and spoiled.

As the priests were in charge of presenting burnt offerings to God on behalf of the people of Israel, so the pastors or leaders of the church will secure souls, a term that comes from the original Greek (grouped), which means " be on watch, protect, guarantee the honor of the family. " In Revelation 1, these are compared to a star that guides, illuminates, clarifies, shows the way, etc. Why in the seven letters we find initial expression: "Write to the angel of the church."

  1. THE COVER FAMILY. "My son, hear the instruction of your father and do not leave your mother's doctrine." (Proverbs 1: 8) "Hear your father who has begotten you and do not despise your mother when she grows old". (Proverbs 23: 22)

In Genesis 49 Jacob gave spiritual cover for the children. In Job 1 and 2; Job gave spiritual coverage to the children. Eli did not give spiritual coverage to the children and they paid a high price.

The believer who wants to serve the Lord will have as a cover a great coverage: Heavenly Coverage, Angelic Coverage, Ministerial or Priestly Coverage, and family coverage. So is the Solomon exception to all those who dare to seek individual supremacy and independence: "If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do those who build it work: If the Lord does not guard the city, the sentinel reveals himself in vain "(Psalm 127: 1).


It is an interesting content sister, putting it into practice we will be successful.

Resteem by: EC

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