What kind of Christian are you?

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Although the term Christian is used to designate those who believe in Jesus Christ, who are admittedly his disciples, we can not deny that there is more than one type of Christian in the world. Today we are going to analyze four types of Christians that are found in the mountains of the churches. Two of those guys are the worst kind, that kind of Christian who goes so far as to cause mistrust if they are really Christian. One of the types is closer to what a disciple of Jesus is. And, finally, the last type expresses what God wants from a true Christian. In which of these four types does it fit? Consider the following:

To analyze these four types of Christians, we are going to use the well-known Naaman story that is recorded in 2 Kings 5: 1-27. This text tells the story of Naaman, commander of the Assyrian army, a successful and important man in front of his people, but who had his life devastated by leprosy. Naaman, like so many other people around us, needed God. I needed to be reached. He needed to be healed not only of the body, but of his sinful soul. But what the people around him did to bless him? Let's see, because these people represent the four types of Christians that exist. See what group it looks like:

The 4 types of Christians that exist. Which of you are you?

(1) Christians who are not involved with the work of God

This group of Christians is represented by the King of Israel mentioned in the text. When he receives a letter from the king of Assyria seeking help to heal Naaman of his leprosy, the king of Israel states: "After the king of Israel had read the letter, he tore his clothes and said: Am I God with power? to take life or give it, so that he may send a man to me so that I may cure him of his leprosy, so observe and see that he seeks a pretext to break with me "(2 Kings 5: 7). In other words, the King of Israel was saying that this was not his problem. Everyone with their problems! This king represents those Christians who have no mercy on those who suffer, who always find excuses not to help, not to get involved. These Christians do not want to know about another's problem, about what the other one is going through and, although they have conditions to help, they do not help. Like the king of Israel, they always find some excuse for not serving their neighbor and the work of God. They are Christians by name, but they do not follow the way of Jesus. You are that kind of Christian?

(2) Christians who only serve God and their neighbor in search of their own benefit

This group of Christians is represented by the servant of Elisha, Geazi. After Naaman was healed by God from leprosy, and Elisha refused any payment for that miracle performed by God in the life of Naaman, Geazi sees there the opportunity to have some profit of his own, to take advantage of the situation. Use lies and deception to spiritual and true opinion: "He said: All is well, my lord sent me to say: Behold, right now, two young men came to me, among the disciples of the prophets of the mountainous region of Ephraim, he gives them a silver talent and two festive garments "(2 Kings 5:22). Gezi represents the group of Christians who only serve God in their own interest, if they receive something they want in return. Who are in the church only because they are looking for some personal advantage. This group is not concerned about people, with those who suffer, but only with themselves, to obtain their own miracle or even gain some advantage that someone can give them in exchange for some help. This group hardly helps someone or serves God if they do not have the possibility of receiving something in return, a special advantage. You are that kind of Christian?

(3) Christians who do not miss the opportunity to fulfill Jesus' mission, even if they are doing the least they can

This group of Christians is represented by the nameless Israelite girl, who was a slave of the Assyrian people and who was serving in the house of Naaman. That Israelite girl, seeing that her lord was leprous, could wish her death, could curse him, say well done! But no! Even being a slave, sorry, he felt that his pain, he did what he could, something minimal, said only one sentence, but that phrase was what triggered the healing of Naaman: "Troops came out of Syria and the land of Israel led captive to a girl, who put herself at the service of Naaman's wife. She told her mistress: "My lord took it before the prophet who is in Samaria; he would restore him from his leprosy "(2 Kings 5: 2) .This girl represents the group of Christians who are involved with the work of God, who sometimes have few possibilities, do what they can, assume their responsibility to bless. God away from the eyes of others, Bless instead of curse.

They are salt and light in the life of that world and impact the world in a positive way, doing the work of the Lord. You are that kind of Christian?

(4) Christians who courageously put themselves in the mission of restoring lives

This group of Christians is represented by the prophet Elisha. Upon learning that the king of Israel had despaired of the letter he received, that he was like a madman taking his body away, Elisha assumed responsibility for God's mission to restore lives. He took the problem, he attracted to himself the responsibility of dealing with the problematic Naaman: "Hear, however, Elisha the man of God, the king of Israel had torn his clothes, sent to tell the king: Why have you torn your clothes, let me come to me, and you will know that there is a prophet in Israel "(2 Kings 5: 8). Elisha fulfilled his mission, assumed his responsibility as a servant of God. He did not flee from the problematic Naaman, before he blessed him. From the word of God to Naaman, he did not want to appear (2 Kings 5:10). I wanted the glory to be all of God. He did not accept the payment that Naaman wanted to give him for the miracle and focused on the glory of God and the transformation of lives. Elisha represents a group of Christians increasingly scarce. He who is not afraid to attract the problematic ones, who knows that the powerful God acts and transforms and, therefore, works as a cooperator of God. He who seeks to glorify God in the fulfillment of the work and does not seek his own gain. You are that kind of Christian?


Hi @carolina!

A true Christian will always be known for his love and unity to engage with his countrymen!


Various types of Christians? It sounds interesting. If we are honest with God, this will bring positive results, not only for you, but for all those people around you today.
Good sister message!

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