in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

"I will raise my eyes to the mountains, where will my help come from?. My help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the earth. "
Psalm 121: 1,2

Edited image

When King David wrote this psalm, he lived one of the saddest moments of his experience: his great friend and counselor, the prophet Samuel, had just passed away; He was crossing the desert of Paran, pursued by his own son Absalom. How would you feel, if the people you trust the most abandon you, betray you and prepare to fight against you? Where would you go, in search of advice and encouragement, if your great counselor had died? What would you do if you love someone, and this love is forbidden?

There is a story of a shipwrecked man who stayed on an island, built a cabin with the things that had been left, went out to look for food and when he returned, he found that he had burned everything with the fire that he had made the previous night. column of smoke rose to the heavens and with smoke their hopes, now he was without anyone to rescue him and without where to take refuge and with no food. With sadness and anger he cried out: God, why are you doing this to me?

The next day, he woke up with a noise. It was a boat that approached the beach. They came to rescue him. When he asked them: How did you know that I was here? The men on the ship said. We saw yesterday a column of smoke that was rising and that served as a signal.

It is very easy to be discouraged when things seem to go wrong. But we should not lose heart in the midst of such circumstances, because our help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the earth. Today I need to remember that the next time the smoke rises after having consumed my hopes, they can become the smoke signal that announces the grace of God for my life.

How many times have we felt in life like this lonely man in the middle of a desert island waiting to receive human help coming from the north or from the south, from the east or from the west and the more I look, my gaze is lost in the distance while my arms fall full of despair. It is very hard, having to give up and give up things or people you love because your feelings are not right. But today the Word of God says. I will lift my eyes to the mountains. Where does my help come from? My help does not come from men, my help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the earth. He will not leave me or forsake me and use any smoke signal to bring his grace and power into action in my life.

Today we can say: Sir, sometimes life seems hard, but life without you is lonely as a castaway on a desert island. However, even on that lonely island I will raise my eyes and voice to you who are in heaven and you in your love send me your help. What greater security I can have and know that the creator of the heavens and the earth is interested in me. That's why I'm convinced that my help and my help come from you.

At this moment I say to my Father: My help has been you, in the shadow of your wings, I will rejoice. my soul is attached to you, because your right hand has sustained me ...

Donot matter how hard we tire under the sun and work and the cold of the night, the Lord will always keep us. He will take care that his people do not fall. Do not be hurt, neither by the open attacks, nor by the secret attempts of your enemies. The Lord will prevent the evil that you fear; Yes, and it will sanctify you and take away and alleviate the evil you fear. He will preserve the soul, so that it will not be contaminated by sin, and disturbed by affliction; He will keep you from perishing forever. He will sustain you in life and death; will accompany you to your work every morning of your days, and will accompany you when you return home to your rest, when the night of old age falls you will be called. It is a protection for life. The Spirit, who is your Preserver and Comforter, will dwell with us forever.

Although we are going through moments of pain, perhaps a medical diagnosis, the lack of love, the crisis, I come to tell you that: darkness will cover the earth and darkness the nations but over us Jehovah will dawn and over us his glory will be seen. I have lived so many things and God always arrives on time in the worst moments, he will always answer us, even if your mother and father left you, with all Jehovah will pick me up, God is a God of details cares for the smallest things of our being, if he has that to erase feelings of your heart so that you are happy will do it, for him there are no impossible, every medical diagnosis can be reverted by the power of Jesus, whatever your situation tell Jesus: come, to my help, to my early help oh, savior!

He is our source of water of life, who sustains us, that's why it's good that when we feel bad in spirit we can go to Him alone, to the powerful God, who helps us overcome all adversity, God great and powerful and never He has lost a battle, he always gives us the victory.

Trust in God, He is the strong rock in which we can trust everything we have, only trust in Him and everything will turn out well. God knows everything we need, sees everything that moves around us, and on the way strengthens us so that we do not fall.


Today I sat down to meditate looking for a word from heaven, I think this is the word I need, to understand that God is our help, it is one of his many consolations. Blessings Apostle Darlenys

This message was written for both my brother @emiliocabrera to strengthen our spirits.

Thanks you my sister.

I am one of those people who has experienced the prompt help of my Lord, in the days of anguish, of trial, my faithful lord has been there, to lift me, to comfort me, counselor, as a father, as a friend, he is my maker , my all. Blessed love of my lord. Thank you Apostle @darlenys01 for reminding me who my help is.

There are things that happen in our lives that have no meaning, but God only knows why ... that is the smoke that God uses to attract attention and attract the blessings that He has for us.

We are currently going through a situation with our daughter, but we trust that God is in control and that God is going to heal, I fully trust that, and although I feel fear sometimes, I strengthen myself remembering his promises and miracles that he has done previously in our lives. Help has always come from Him ... from our God ...

Beautiful message Sister ... (I take the opportunity to ask for prayer for healing for my daughter, thank you.)

As you believe in your heart, it will be done to you. I do not know anyone who has put their trust in him who is ashamed. It is easy to believe when all is well, but it is difficult when circumstances say no, science says no, our bodies say no, that's where we can not believe in words but in the heart, if the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and only the violent ones snatch it away. You want to see your daughter free, walk in the supernatural power of God, and claim divine healing. I declare that today comes to your life, violent faith, so that you can see what Jesus already obtained on the cross of Calvary.God with you @blessed-girl.

Amen, sister. I have a lot of faith because God has already done great miracles health in my daughter ... and I would like that were soon health .. but of God is the time. God bless you.

The scriptures made us understand that, God never promised Christians a life without hardship and difficulties . He added that, these will come but the Lord will never forsaken his people's. Parishioners let me tell you that God has never forsaken you in this hard times. Thanks for such a wonderful message sister.

God does not want us to forget what He has already done for us. Too many people forget the mighty works that God has done in the past for us. We need to remember He is my help in my day of trouble
Thanks maam

The precise words always arrive at the opportune moment, because, as his word says, it is our opportune help. I would have fainted, if I did not believe that I saw the goodness of God in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13).

In the hands of our God we are.
Thank you apostle darlenys for these words of strength for all.

There is One truly Faithful One! Not a man that He should lie. He never slumber nor sleeps, so we can lay down close our eyes and not fear the terror that comes by night. He is the shelter from the storm and He has all the resource to do even the impossible.
Thanks for this!

Thank you for this message Apostle @darlenys01, oh how good it is to remember that he is our help. The Lord will not allow our foot to slip. "Behold, he will not be numb ... God is watching over his children. He is a vigilant guardian who never tires, is always vigilant; that not only does he not sleep, but he is always attentive, day and night, taking care of us.

Keep in mind that the Lord keeps us and sustains us in all bad moments. God will take care of us in valleys of shade, our feet will not slip, and we will never be alone, because He will take care of all the enemy's ambush. He will be light in the midst of darkness.

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