What do we talk about when we talk about Love?

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Love is unsentiment that we have all ever felt for a father, a boyfriend, a friend, for ourselves ... and that it can not be denied that it influencesour day to day, in our character, our way of life ... Many times has marked our lives and makes sure there are special moments that we will never forget.


Plato says that you should not look only for external beauty, because all bodies share it in different degrees. The important thing is the beauty of the souls ("inner beauty") and from this love will arise beautiful things and the search for knowledge Plato also tells us that love is stronger than death, because if a person really loves, if he really is in love, he will still love the beloved object (beauty) after his death.

Ortega y Gasset affirms that the most complete realization of love is that of falling in love He thinks that being in love with another person it produces illusion, desire ... Desire seeks to move us towards the desired object, incorporate a new possession. When we already get what we want the Desire disappears. That is why true love is distinguished from passion. According He, passion is a degenerate form of feeling. He defines it as a elemental and primitive force that takes over the person without leaving intervention to the superior and delicate portions of the soul.

according to the philosopher Erich Fromm, love is a specific attitude that shows the form of a person's relationship with the world in general; There are several types of love: fraternal, maternal, paternal, love of God and erotic love. Erotic love differs from all others because it is the longing for complete fusion, and union with a single other person [... ..] is perhaps the most deceptive bitter form that exists.

Fromm believes that a physical union without love is not truly a union anymore that the elements of the couple are left alone and even ashamed. But if this is real, it gives rise to tenderness, fraternity and the will to love try a relationship that involves promises and compliance with them. Erotic love is exclusive but does not exclude others

This topic has attracted my attention in the middle of spiritual counseling, I know the case of a woman who is mistreated by her husband, is unfaithful in an inconsiderate way, does not value her, but he tells her that he does not leave because he loves her.

So, the questions begin to emerge is that a true love? We can look in the bible for what love really is:

"Love is patient, kindly, love is not envious or boastful or proud, does not behave rudely, is not selfish, does not get angry easily, does not hold a grudge, love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth, everything excuses, believes everything, expects everything, endures everything ".
1 Corinthians 13: 4

Love is the beginning and beginning of all the commandments that God has given us. Every time we love, we are similar to him.

"We love, because he loved us first" (1 John 4:19).
Absolute and unconditional love is agape love, it is a love that does not change with time or circumstances. This agape love is only achieved through our heavenly father, since it is a genuine and pure love that does not arise within us on our own account. It can only emerge from God.

True love shows no anger, does not react irritably, does not tend to be offended, or feels hurt only if there is a reason fully founded and just in the eyes of God, when you use love in the middle of thorns you are the only flower , what you want to illustrate is that the way you must respond in difficult situations must always be framed in love.


Love believes in everything
"Everything believes, expects everything" (1 Corinthians 13.7)
Love believes that everything can be possible, when that love comes from our spirit, there will be no barriers, social classes, language or distance.

You can hardly give more love than you have inside, you can make an effort and it would not be natural. So, specifically the love that can withstand all the pressures in this life is beyond your reach if you are not surrendered to the Lord. You need to learn that divine and pure love that comes from God himself. He is the only one who can teach you.

"Love is from God" (1 John 4: 7) ..

And only those who have allowed God to enter their hearts through faith in their son, Jesus. Those who have received the spirit of Christ by believing in his death and resurrection, begin to experience that love that comes from the kingdom of God, and can take advantage of the true power of love.

Today, there is a lot of pain in the hearts, and all are attributed to love. There are many women who have suffered because they have not been valued, but there is always an opportunity for love.

There is a Chinese proverb that says:
"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, despite the time, the place despite the circumstances.

The red thread can become tense or entangled, but it will never break. "

It is the red thread of destiny

There are women who find their red thread in a physical person, but also consider Jesus as that person who comes to his life to show him and teach him true love.

In my life experience, I believe that a person to love, must first love God, that is the guarantee that he can truly love us, not with emotion, but with conviction. The true and only love is found in the source of supernatural power that flows in which he did everything according to his pure essence of love, that main source, is God in essence true. When you surrender to Christ, his power can work through you and experience your greatness. That love that he has shed for his grace in our hearts he did through the holy spirit that was given to us in his promise, each time we choose to submit to his presence we reach his love. It is more than evident that you can not love another person without God.

The love of God Changes hearts of stone into hearts of flesh.

Love penetrates the hardest hearts and makes them soft. The love of God has a thousand immutable ways, and where there is no way, he creates it. The love of God never fails, never wanes, never becomes obsolete, never abandons the cause, and never ceases to be.

The love of God can not be overcome by anything, nor by anyone.

Love can not be defeated, it has power over everything, the love of God is the most powerful force in the universe. It is the purest manifestation of your being, and what makes God visible and palpable on earth.

God's love is liquid fire, running through our veins.

Love is a liquid fire that drives us to do things, which under no other circumstances would we do. It is a zeal that burns for lost souls. It is like a gigantic magnet that attracts us to everyone who needs it, and who yearns to feel that it is important for someone. It is the greatest force manifested by God, and compels us to make any sacrifice, and feats in it, regardless of the price we have to pay.


If there is something that we must analyze, investigate and deepen in that, it is in this topic Apostle Darlenys. Everything we do in life, if not accompanied by love, is useless. So radical is God with this theme. Good post, I congratulate you.

Without love to God that can have a person, only empty, because if we can to sea to whom he has given everything, as we can love someone else, there is no doubt that the love of God is the main source of any kind of love. from there begins the wonderful existence of ourselves as conscious people, lovers and really believers of the greatness of our god.

Waooo, sister darnelys01 today in the evening at my place of work I was meditating on love, specifically in this verse.

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”“Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.”Jesus said, “Feed my sheep
John 21:15-1

In fact, the concept and definition we had about love when we were in the world is totally wrong. the Bible defines us and the Holy Spirit leads us to practice.

Thanks for sharing.

I would like you to walk through my publications and give me your opinion on what could be improved.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8

My dear apostle Darlenys, what a beautiful way to express love, your messages are a blessing for us. God bless you.

True love translates into action. Great publication @ darlenys01 really impressed me.
Love is much more than beautiful words. 1 John 3:18.
A great man said: "Our actions, in support of our words, are the evidence of our love" ... And how true it is! It is not good to say that we love if we do not translate it into the action that proves it.

This message arrives at my heart @ darlenys01.El true love reaches even those who harm us. Luke 6: 32-35.
How difficult it is in our own strength to be able to love those who have hurt with their words and actions, who have left wounds in our hearts! But ... when we think of the pain that often our own lives and actions produce in the Lord ... we become aware of our own condition ... (Psalm 103: 1-5, 10-12) We must forgive and love as God Forgive us and love!

Love is the beginning and beginning of all the commandments that God has given us. Every time we love, we are similar to him.

We need to learn to love better and there's none better directives than from the Bible

Trying to find lasting love without obeying God is like trying to quench thirst by drinking from an empty cup; the formalities are complied with, but the thirst is not removed. Similarly, trying to find love without helping others or sacrificing for them is like trying to live without eating; it goes against the laws of nature and it is impossible to achieve it.

Apostolic Message @Darlenys.The Holy Spirit gives us the Grace to love ... and His fullness and fullness in our lives through our communion and holiness to God, manifests the fruit of the Spirit, where one of its parts is love. (Galatians 5:22)

You do not know Apostle Darlenys how you impacted our lives through your message, the most difficult thing in our life is love and that love is not valued, but Glory to God that in him we can experience true love, without reproach...

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