You have a PURPOSE. JER 1:1-10

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee and before thou camest forth out of the the womb I sanctified thee and ordained thee a prophet unto the nations Jer 1:5.

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The almighty God is a master planner and Purpose. By his unfailing wisdom, He preorganises and ordained events and occurences in the life of man from beginning of creation to the end of time in eternity. From His word to Jeremiah in our text, we understand that God's pourpose for any one before birtj is hidden in His divine will. It is reassuring to know that irrespective of human objection or the devils opposition, the thought of God (Jer 29:11) and his predestined plans for all things cimes to padd (Isa 14:27).


It is also humbly to note that anything God has purposed to do in any circumstances will surely ve accomplished with or without Us because God is tge only constant in the equation. Let me share athe experience of a prophet of God with Us while he was growing up.
This prophet once saw a certain prophet while he was growing up in his little village and laughed at him. Funny enough as he "laugged, the prophet turned to him and said keep laughing at me, one day you also will be a prophet."He laughed the more and even sarcastically and went on to say; " not only prophet but indeed a prayer warrior". Unknowing to the young boy that obviously the prophet hfseen a glimpse of what God had in sotre for him but he was completely ignorant of it. Today the young boy has become a very big but humble man and prophet of God. May the almighty God bring to pass in your life the purpose for which you are born even in the face of opposition in Jesus name.

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With respect to predestination; no one can successfully thwart God's effort or frustrate his purpose...Eph1:11
In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
In view of this scripture, when we cooperate with his divine purpose, you will experience unprecedented success but when we chose to work against his purpose, the result is bound to be failure.
Note: All humans are playing their predefined roles in the script written by God before the creation of the world. It is only sensible for wise actors to diligently study the script to properly interpret their roles and memorize their lines that thier performance will run smoothly in sync with othet players and in accordance with the overall purpose of production.
Rom 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Which goes to say tgat irrespective of what wr are passing through in life, the most important thing is to ensure that your life is in agreement with God's purpose as revealed in his word. After you do this you can sit back and watch God crown your efforts in life with success in order to give you an expected end he works everything out in line with thr predetermined purpose. Whata glorous God we serve! Hallelujah!

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Still Elisedaniels...Love for the Gospel.


Hi @elisedaniels!

One of the evidences of someone who has his own identity and who is living his call is to recognize the gift and the call of God in the lives of other people, contributing to the development of those talents. Juan had an identity when he was asked: Who are you? Are you Elijah? Christ? And he replied: "I am the voice of what cries out in the wilderness." He had an identity and knew what he was called.


Absolutely. Beautiful contribution. Thanks for this input.

Certainly we were designed to do what God said we should do, we were made in such a way that what we are going to do is something for which God prepared us and made us that way.

Awesome input anf gladly appreciated too.
Indeed anf ofcourse the script is already written, important is the fact that we should see the hand of God at work and by that we shall be able to succeed greatly fulfilling purpose.

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