Do you feel God cannot use you? He can no matter your problems or predicament

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Hello steemians ,Today is yet another blissful and beautiful day here in Nigeria. I wish you all the best today, you all will find favor. Today i want to briefly talk about a very crucial topic most people fail to understand.Remember our God is a merciful God as long as you are remorse and come before him ,there is no sin too big for the lord to forgive ,he will forgive you of all your sins. Now back to our topic In the book of 1 corinthians 1:27 the bible says

But God picks the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

God have his way of operating you can never predict this our God,that is the more reason why we should give him that honor which he deserves.

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Christians today

Most people today have lost hope on themselves ,i don't really understand why some think the kind of sin they have committed is to much for the almighty God to forgive,NO i will say as long as you come with a remorse heart ,the lord will cleanse you from all iniquities and will give you a new slate to start all over so then it is left to you to walk in his path. There were so many people in the bible who did worse than we can imagine or things that we cannot even do as unbelievers ,but the truth is that when God started using them they gave their all to God .You should not think that because of one problem or the other God is not going to listen to your case,that is a big lie. Have you asked him for that position you want to apply?Go to God in prayer and see what he will do. Nick vujicic is a pastor who was born without legs and arms ,he is from Australia .This did not stop him from spreading the gospel i must tell you, he is always up and doing when it comes to the things of God. But today you see a full flesh man with hands and legs still in doubt if the lord will use him,maybe because of his deformity or lifestyle. God does not look at all this anymore as long as you have a repentant heart and you come to him. The truth is those people you did not expect can work for God are the ones that give their all to the service of God.

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The bible

In the bible we were told about so many people who were not even worthy to be called sons and daughters of God, but because they had a repentant heart the lord used them mightily. Take a look at saul who was later known as paul,he was feared by many because he persecuted the christians .But when God called him it was a different story, i think paul was one of the active follower of christ who did all things to please God. God did not say oh because you have killed so many i can no longer use you for my work ,instead he embraced him. Take a look at moses ,we all know he was a stammerer and even at that God used him mightily.He delivered the people of isreal from the hands of pharaoh ,though his brother Aaron helped him out.A quick look at the man after God's own heart David,he was a sinner i must say he sent uriah to a battle front just to sleep with uriah's wife despite all the women he had around him he was not contented. But still the bible said he was the man after God's own heart. Take a look at matthew the tax collector,those days they see tax collectors as criminals but still he was called to join the disciples of God and he worked for God wholeheartedly.The truth is if i want to continue mentioning names i won't be able to finish,what i am saying in essence today is God can use you and i today no matter the circumstances and predicament.

In conclusion

Submit yourself to God ,forget about the past and work before him and see how he will use you beyond human imagination. Never look down on yourself due to one issue or the other ,our God is not concerned with that but your state of mind.



We definitely agree with you. God can use us when we allow ourselves to be used by him. Our circumstances should not influence our desire to serve God. It's good to show we want God both in favourable and unfavourable seasons.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Humans are just like clays in the hands of a potter. God is our potter. If a clay is malleable, the potter can easily mold it into any structure he wants. If the clay is hard, the potter will have to throw it away.

Despite difficulties we may have, we can make ourselves malleable to God by following his directions and letting him mold us. Thanks for sharing.

We need to offer ourselves in total submission to God and work with Him to bringing his kingdom to earth.
Let us be His Clay and Him, Our potter.

In fact a lot of due to their state or lack of educating or physical appearance thinks they cannot be useful to God, but they forget that the bible says God looks at the heart if man.
Moses felt God couldn't use him to deliver the Israelites from the Egyptians, because he was a stammerer, but look at what Moses achieved.

If you feel you ate useless, just try God, you are not, God does not think like a man, he can use you and likewise me.

Here are four ways that God can use you today.

Encourage Someone Today

I recently read that smiling is as contagious as yawning. So is encouraging someone. Paul wrote that we should “encourage one another and build one another up" (1 Thess. 5:11) and not tear each other down. They say it takes ten positive words to build someone up who’s been discouraged by one bad word. Why not build someone up today? Up is where heaven is anyway, and that’s where we’re headed, right?

Give to Someone Today

Have you given someone something today? You can, if it’s still early. It doesn’t have to be money. You can give of yourself. You can hold the door open for someone. You can pick something up that they drop. You can smile at them, shake their hand, or give them a hug. Give yourself away. The interesting thing is the more of yourself that you give away, the more you actually receive in blessings. Paul reminds us to “remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’" (Acts 20:35).

Visit Someone Today

I had a friend come into town recently, whom I hadn’t seen for a long time. It was refreshing to catch up on things, but you can also pick up the phone and call someone today, email someone, send an unexpected “thinking of you" card. Whatever you do, try to go out of your way and visit or talk to someone today that you normally don’t talk to or see. Make it a special, no-occasion thing. Paul tells us to “do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves" (Phil. 2:3).

Thank Someone Today

I believe that one of the greatest sins a Christian can commit is the sin of omission. It is the failure to give thanks to God but also to others. On occasions, I just tell my wife “thank you for…" and then start listing the many things she does. Paul said, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you" (Phil. 1:3). I like to borrow Paul’s line and tell people I thank God for them–for being my wife, daughter, son, friend, etc. Even a thank-you note makes a great and lasting impression. It costs very little, but, oh, the benefits they and you reap are priceless.

God can definotely use us if we make our self availabe and if he sees potentials in us,like he saw in Saul and we can make our self available by ny trying to do his will.

Right from the old and the new testament God has been there for those WO trust him why do you think that God can not make you his powerful massager and that cannot use you to do his will as he used some if his servants in the scripture.

Christ while he was on earth promised his desciples of the comforter whi is the holly spirit.
God from the old testament has always be there for his childreen in those days .life as christain should always be reflected by what the spirit says.
God has prepared the table before us all we need to do isto accept him in our life and every other things shall be added unto our life.
He can use you no matter who you think you are and what you do.
Believe that he can make you what he deserves

With God, our seen predicament is of great advantage to us as we tend to reason in a different dimension. He does everything for a reason. Let us endeavour to adore him for he has made us perfectly in his image. Your problems doesn't define you. It is just a trying moment.

Despite our problem he still be able to use us

God is in the business of transformation, He can use any vessel He deemed appropriate. All we need is to position ourselves.