in #steemchurch6 years ago

I've been perusing much about astuteness these days. It's said around 45 times (contingent upon the adaptation) in the book of Proverbs alone.

Get astuteness, get understanding; remember my words or get some distance from them. Try not to spurn shrewdness, and she will ensure you; cherish her, and she will watch over you. The start of intelligence is this: Get knowledge. Despite the fact that it cost all you have, get understanding.
(Proverbs 4:5-7)

At the point when God communicates something specific that plainly, I sit up and observe. "What presently, Lord?" I consider.
Seeking the Greek interpretation for illumination on intelligence, we find "sophia," which is the reason we see words like logic, a mix of "philo" (charitable love) and "sofia." The abbreviated adaptation of the word (insightful) can be found in modern and sophomore. Ever ask why a few teeth are called "knowledge teeth?" It's since we get them at the beginning of development.

Dictionary.com characterizes astuteness along these lines: Knowledge of what is valid or right combined with only judgment as to activity; smarts [level headedness], acumen, or understanding.
All through sacred text, shrewdness and comprehension are discovered as an inseparable unit. Knowledge is the dread of the Lord, while understanding is that intelligence practically speaking.
"How might I apply insight to my service, Lord?"
In quiet respect I wait until I feel His direction lead through a whisper, "Look for Me until the point that My fact is living, moving, and taking in your home; until the point that the nobility of My Word is combined with each progression you take; and until the point when My knowledge surpasses your craving. That is what you're called to do."


Seeking His statement for instance I discover Abigail in 1 Samuel part 25. Abigail was the spouse of Nabal, and keeping in mind that she was a lady of good understanding and excellence, the Bible depicts him as boorish. At the end of the day, he was inconsiderate, rude, hot-headed and did not have the insight his significant other had.

In verses 7 and 16 we see that David had secured Nabal's shepherds and was currently requesting a sensible support consequently: that Nabal would give them arrangements when they arrived.
Nabal was rich, thus it surely wouldn't have been any inconvenience for him to go along, yet as opposed to being insightful and liberal, he was inconsiderate, which just incited David to battle.
Social event a multitude of 400 men, David set out to decimate Nabal's family unit, and had it not been for the knowledge of one lady he would have.

Perceiving that David was a hireling of the Lord, Abigail sent a liberal blessing to David, and with that gift she lowered herself at his feet arguing for the life of her better half. She didn't deny that Nabal was rude or inconsiderate, yet she looked for elegance for his sake.
In this delightful romantic tale, we see that David conceded her that elegance, and inside ten days God ended the life of Nabal, and compensated Abigail with her flexibility.
Where did that flexibility lead her? Into the arms of David, a valiant warrior and prospective lord.
Abigail unquestionably has a place in this investigation of awesome ladies of the Bible. Of the seven ladies being assessed, she is the one the vast majority are less inclined to know. Sacred writing presents her as a delightful, keen lady whose current situation is one of being hitched to a rich trick. Abigail uncovers how knowledge and decided activity need to accomplice with a specific end goal to spare great individuals from calamity. Being astute in itself may not be adequate in a few circumstances. Without making prompt move, it is conceivable to just remain by and watch annihilation that could be dodged.

Abigail's case focuses to the significance of the words picked when talking in tense circumstances. Cruel, boisterous words may turn into the impetus to a pointless blast. They may drive people to activities which will be lamented later. Interestingly we perceive how quiet, precisely figured words can prompt a tranquil separating or arrangement. This present exercise's brilliant content merits watchful consideration: "A delicate answer dismisses fury: however shocking words mix up outrage" (Proverbs 15:1).

The present exercise rotates around the states of mind and activities of three people. One doesn't dither to gush incendiary words with no respect for the potential results. One more of the characters hears the words and, in scurry, chooses to counter in a way with extensive ramifications. Luckily, remaining between them is a lady who instantly gets a handle on the whole setting. At that point she races to bring a serene end which, over the long haul, will convey extraordinary advantage to her.
This exercise likewise furnishes us with another territory for thought. What ought to be our state of mind when emergency pushes itself upon us? It's actual we have contrasting identities and enthusiastic levels. Be that as it may, each one of us should endeavor to be "quiet, cool, and gathered." This can be proficient as we keep a tight rein on ourselves and enable the Holy Spirit to manage us. "Reconsider before talking once" is astute counsel.

Abigail was initially the spouse of Nabal before she turned into David's significant other. I get a kick out of the chance to allude to her as Lady Abigail in light of the manner in which she comported herself. Her story can be found in the book of 1 Samuel Chapter 25 in the Old Testament of the Bible.
Her story was extremely concise as told in the sacred text said above, however it had a great deal of noteworthy exercises which can manage us in this present age.


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  • Lesson One

In spite of being hitched to Nabal, an underhanded and beastly man, Abigail did not let that change her actual nature. She was a lady of good mien, understanding and a wonderful face (1 Samuel 25: 3).
This demonstrates we ought to never permit the general population around us impact us adversely. We should dependably keep up our great character anyplace we get ourselves and decline to give negative demeanors and character a chance to influence us to capitulate to resemble them for there will most likely be multi day of reward for doing great.

  • Lesson Two

At whatever point we are in a circumstance that will warrant us to request some help from others, we should figure out how to be respectful and not ask discourteously. The best possible welcome and genuflections ought to be watched. David sent his men to ask for arrangements from Nabal, and he set aside the opportunity to painstakingly teach his men on the words to talk on getting to Nabal's family unit, and his men took after his guidelines to the letter (2 Samuel 25: 6-8).

  • Lesson Three

Inconsiderateness and impolite gestures are extremely awful character attributes for any person to have. It causes issues, brings about sharpness and could deteriorate to an unending clash. Pleasantness and great behavior, then again, does not cost us anything. Or maybe it helps in keeping up peace and great connections (1 Samuel 25: 10-11).

  • Lesson Four

Never reimburse great with malicious. It is an appalling method to compensate anybody that has indicated you graciousness and helped you throughout everyday life. In the event that somebody assumes liability for your wellbeing, the assurance of your properties and hesitates during the evening to be a mass of safeguard indirect you, at that point it is an awesome fiendishness to decline to be of assistance to the individual when a desperate hour emerges. This is precisely what Nabal did when he declined to react to David's supplication for a few arrangements for himself and his men (1 Samuel 25: 14-17).

  • Lesson Five

A man or lady, kid or young lady must will take redress. Nobody is a reference book of information that is above committing errors. We ought to never be seen as individuals that can't be given recommendations or be revised on the grounds that the results are grave. On the off chance that a man shows this sort of character of being excessively resolute or excessively glad, making it impossible, making it impossible to be revised or to be given guidance, at that point he/she is at the danger of not being educated of anything or given any notice yet rather left to all perils that flourish. This is on the grounds that individuals near them might fear moving toward them inspired by a paranoid fear of the manner in which that they may respond (1 Samuel 25: 17).

  • Lesson Six

A shrewd lady is proactive and speedy in considering. Abigail comprehended that a blessing clears a path for the supplier. She didn't withhold her hand from David and his men (1 Samuel 25: 18). She likewise comprehended the estimation of lowliness and the best possible direct that is reasonable at a specific point in time. She comprehended that to prevent the disaster that was going to her whole family; somebody needed to advance out in confidence and go about as the peace attendant to safeguard the lives of the individuals from her family unit from the specific pulverization that was coming their direction (1 Samuel 25: 24). Ladies, it isn't each fight your hubby is battling that you should go along with him to battle and bother an effectively unstable circumstance. You can turn into the peace creator and reestablish peace amidst the tempests of the fight seething in your home.

  • Lesson Seven

Ladies ought to never be reluctant to prompt the general population the Lord has laid it on our souls to advise. We should not be scared or debilitated by their status or position yet ought to finish on the Lord's direction. Obviously, we should take after the correct methodology and be as respectful as could reasonably be expected. We should likewise be touchy to the Spirit that we might have the capacity to get the suitable data concerning the one we are being directed to advise. This will empower us to address the correct issues that have an immediate bearing on the issues on ground. This was the manner by which Abigail took care of the issue amongst David and her hubby, Nabal, and there was an immediate and obvious outcome because of her activities (1 Samuel 25: 28-31).

  • Lesson Eight

We should be still and let God battle for our sake. When we endeavor to battle our fights ourselves, we may fall into mistake and sin. It is continually enticing to do this to substantiate ourselves, however let us figure out how to permit God take control (1 Samuel 25: 26). The guidance Abigail gave David helped him to set aside his outrage and abstain from ending the lives of the individuals from the family of Nabal, in endeavoring to retaliate for him without anyone else's input. He let the Lord take control of the circumstance, and God did the avenging for his benefit. It is recorded in the Bible, that the Lord himself destroyed Nabal and he kicked the bucket (1 Samuel 25: 38).

  • Lesson Nine

We should dependably discreetly think about our character and how it influences the general population around us. We should figure out how to see things through the eyes of the general population nearest to us. We should tune in to both the quiet and capable of being heard cries of the general population nearest to us and see how our conduct and choices influence them. We should get some information about how the general population near us see us to be. Sadly, Nabal was known as a trick to those nearest to him. He was otherwise called a child of Belial and a man who was unapproachable and did not take sound insight. What a disgrace !!! (1 Samuel 25: 17 and 25).

  • Lesson Ten

We may experience the valley for quite a while, and encounter difficulties, criticism and disgrace in view of our curious situation. God permits these things transpire, to attract us closer to him and cause us to look for his face more, and furthermore to fortify our character. We ought not overlook that there is dependably a termination date for each tempest in our lives. Sobbing may persevere for the night yet euphoria cometh toward the beginning of the day, so the Holy Bible says. This was Abigail's circumstance. She was in the pickle of being in a marriage where even her workers ridiculed her better half in view of his character and mischievous ways (1 Samuel 25: 14-17). God turned things around for her, and she was resettled in another home. God is the restorer of lost/stolen years, and he can make everything wonderful time permitting.


Good to hear from you goldenheart, Thanks for sharing with Us!


In summary, wisdom is from God,Abigail's case portrays the life of wisdom. We need to learn from her. A woman of virtue she is and to become a woman of virtue,we should adhere to the lessons being listed.