in #steemchurch6 years ago


And I have made known to you your name, and I will make it known even so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them (John 1 7:26).

Love in what we might consider as the third face, is a love that goes beyond what is mentioned in both the old and the new commandment. This love is what reigns among the members of the Trinity.

Is it possible to imagine the love that exists between the Trinity? Can you think how the Father loves the Son? In what way does the Son love the Father? How does the Holy Spirit love the Son? In what way does the Spirit love the Father? How does the Father love the Spirit? In what way does the Son love the Spirit? It really is something that our finite minds can not explain.

The love that reigns between them has no end, it is love, eternal. It is the love of beings who have reached maturity. It's the kind of love that takes for granted that disagreements will never arise between them. In the pages of the Old Testament we read how the Father performed miracles and signs; He raised the dead and healed the sick. Then the Son came to earth and did the same.

The Father showed no signs of jealousy but was pleased (Matthew 17: 5). After the ascension of Jesus, the Holy Spirit descended and also did the same. There was still a total unity. The love that exists between the Father, the Son and the Spirit is of such a great maturity that nothing offends them.

It is this love that exists between them that makes all three be one. Two, more eternal love, add one. Three, more eternal love, make one. Four, more eternal love, also equals one.

And a hundred Christians, more eternal love, are also one. In this divine math with any number you always get the same result.

In the prayer that Jesus raised to the Father shortly before his arrest, he asked that the love that existed between them could also reign among his followers, that is, among us.

I remember an occasion when the Sunday School teacher in a lesson explained to us how we are in Christ. I understood perfectly.

But another Sunday he told us that Christ is in us. I said, "I think he's wrong. If we are in Christ, how can it be that Christ is in us at the same time? If one thing is inside another, the biggest can not be stuck inside the smallest at the same time.

Now this is no longer an enigma to me. If I am in the heart of my brother and he is in my heart, we are both in each other. Love makes us one.

It is obvious that today we are not one. We have divided into many groups; Methodists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals of diverse extractions, Nazarenes, Salvationists, Episcopalians, Free Brothers, Baptists of different groups and many others.

And now God has begun to group us again. However He does not use divisions made by us. He has only two groups: those who love each other and those who do not love each other.

Note that God is doing more than regrouping his people. It is uniting it. And I'll illustrate it with something that -everybody knows us: the potatoes. Each potato plant has three, four or five tubers. And each tuber belongs to one or another plant.

At the time of harvest, the person in charge of the collection makes a well in the ground, takes them out and puts them in a bag. We could say that he is grouping them. These very excited popes may exclaim: - Glory to the Lord, now we are all in the same bag! - But even if they are all in the same bag, they are not yet one.

The moment comes when the housewife buys them. She washes and peels them. The potatoes think that now they are more united. - How wonderful is this love that exists between us!

Thats not all. After peels are cut into pieces and mixed with each other. By then they have lost enough of their identity. The truth is that they think they are ready for the Master.

But what God wants is mashed potatoes. Not many loose potatoes, but mashed potatoes. When they are reduced to puree, no one can get up and exclaim: -Look, this is me! - The word has to be us. It is for this reason that our Father begins with these words: "Our Father who is in heaven ... Otherwise he would say" My Father who is in heaven ...

With the greatest reverence I want to tell you that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are three mashed potatoes. Jesus is hungry. It craves mashed potatoes. He will have it. He is already doing very deep things in his Church.



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Peace be with you sister @milagros.

If we were all children of God by virtue of being His creation, then adoption would not be necessary. Ask any parent of an adopted child and they will tell you that the process is long, difficult and painful! Why should God choose adoption if we were already His children? Because God longs to have you as His son, He sacrificed Himself, in the person of Jesus Christ, on the cross to buy his salvation.


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