in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Human beings live in a time when there is great influence about life and death. Why does this attractive with this world over the grave? It is all because death is final. Whatever it is about death,when it comes,it is irreversible. When you eventually cross the death line,there is no coming back. Death is a sure thing and a winner over it. The doctors would have tried many wonders of drug,also philosophers would have tried their best to explain that death is a natural occurrence, but we all have to face the reality of the world that everybody on this earth will surely die without any remedy to it. Death may come whether a planned one or accidental,once it comes,it does not care whether it is painful or not comfortable, that is just the end of that person.


God knows the future and has known what will happen after death and he has not left us to wonder about death. "What happens after you die,depends on what happens before you die". The Bible says in Hebrew 9:27 that,
"And as it is appointed unto men once to die,but after this the judgement". The Bible has answered it vividly,a man only die once and immediately judgement follows and he is left alone with God who is the judge over all. Death is an appointed time that no one will miss. Many people have planned for an appointment on earth which they failed but an appointment with death is a sure thing. According to somebody, " the statistics on death are terrible ". One hundred out of one hundred people will die eventually. Death is just like a sickness with a disease and we don't know when the end will come.


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Some people believed that there is a second death in which when people die,they will have a second chance either in the afterlife or through reincarnation. The truth about this is that the Bible never made mentioned of a second chance after death or even talked about reincarnation. Heb 9:27 already explained that after death is judgement. The only opportunity you can have with God is to live a right and holy life with Him then you can be sure of everlasting home.

Another question about death is IS THERE A NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE?

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Some experiences we have today that is popular is when you hear people that they died,went to heaven and later came back to life due to second chance they were given. This has made Christians embrace such thing,but a close study has shown that all these are unbiblical heresy. In this view,we need biblical stand to clear our thought of it. We can tell that some Bible characters see the Lord before they died. People like Steven in Acts 7,also Paul was given a vision of heaven.(Acts 14). Can such thing happen today? Yes,but this shouldn't be expected as second chance at all.

We can say some near death experience are demonic in nature because Satan is a deceiver and would want to create scenes that looks like heaven which is actually not but all are creations born in hell. Many Christians have a wrong perspective of death because they think when they die,they are going from the land of the living to the land of the dying but this is not true. Once you die in Christ,you are going from the land of the dying to the land of the living. When we die as Christians, our soul will go to the Lord where rejoicing and praising will never cease. Our body goes back into the dust because that was where we were taken from. Jesus said in John 14:2-3 that,
"In my Father's house are many mansions:if it were not so,I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you,I will come again and receive you unto myself;that where I am,there ye may be also."

Those who died without Christ will be condemned completely and thrown into the dungeon where weeping and gnashing of teeth will not cease. 1Corinthians 15:26 calls death "the last enemy". After the rapture and we all have gone to our destinations, death will be the only thing that would be conquered. At the moment of death,the soul of the unrighteous will be sent to hell where the real and everlasting torment will take place. Luke 16:19-31 talks about a rich man who was wealthy and wouldn't share to Lazarus and he was living comfortably while Lazarus was eating from the crumbs that fell from the table. But death came,they both died and went to their destination. The rich man faced hell while Lazarus faced heaven.

The truth is that death has no respect for anyone,whether you are rich or poor,young or old,famous,etc,once it is time,it will take its place and everything about the person is gone forever.

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  • Our soul goes directly to God

  • Our body is buried until the day of resurrection comes

  • When Christ finally comes,we will all be raised from the grave and head to our destinations

  • Body and Soul will be reunited and will reign with Christ till eternity.



Good to hear from you permanent, Thanks for sharing with Us!


I think death is more like a permanent state of unconsciousness as well, after death I guess it's judgement as being said by the bible, because it's appointed of man to die and after death comes judgement.

God knows the future and has known what will happen after death and he has not left us to wonder about death.

A lot of what you have written are disagreeable to some people. For instance:

  • Some patients who have died as their pulse have stopped, came back and have reported seeing what was happening to their bodies.
  • some patients in ICU who were comatose reported of going and passing through a tunnel with a light at the end of it
  • a lot of people walking about in the street can remember their past lives, which body will they be reunited when their souls come back
  • reincarnation wasn't mention in the bible but there was a part where Jesus was asking his disciples on what the people were saying on who they think he was.

There are a lot of unheard and unbelievable things in this world. Just because we have not experience them doesn't mean some things aren't real. They're not sick in the head too.

Different religions, different beliefs
For peace to reign, we need to respect each other. Fill the earth with positivity and let see what will happen. Cheers.

There are many mysteries encrypted in the word of God, his word expresses itself

1 Corinthians 13 9-12
Because in part we know, and in part we prophesy; but when the perfect comes, then what is in part will be >finished.

I can limit according to what I read in the scriptures and what my brother says in his publication that the concept of reincarnation is without foundation in the Bible, it clearly tells us that we die once and then face judgment (Hebrews 9:27 )

Thank you for your teaching, we must continue to edify each other researching, meditating and always with a heart willing to learn from our Lord who inspired the scriptures.

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What a touching and calls for sober reflection....
Many people avoids this topic...."It is appointed unto man to die once and after that judgement follows"
"What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul"
"What can one give in exchange for his life"
I know it's not an easy road.....may God give us the grace to run this heavenly race and ends it at it's feet.
Thanks @permanent for sharing this vital topic

Great post! So many doctrines of men and demons describing a second chance after we die. I like what you said here.

What happens after you die,depends on what happens before you die".
It is imperative we let the power of the cross transform us while we are here.
Thank you!
Daddy William