
in #steemchurch6 years ago

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Hello steemians and steemchurch;
Today i will like us to look at this interesting topic titled "Humility"

Firstly i will like to define the word "Humility"- it means the quality of having a modest or low view of ones importance and also a state of humble.

Humility is the quality of being courteously respectful of others and the quality that let us go more than half way to meet the needs and demand of others. John 18:4 says " Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child,the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven"

Humility is part of God's character. Humility is power. It is being purged of self. It is an absolute appreciation that you are what you are only by the grace of God. A person is said to be scripturally humble when he has things that can boast about, yet, he chooses to see, and relate to those 'achievement' as inconsequential. Humility is not when you are in a helpless state and do not have an option to the tail position. Rather it is when you have all it takes to stand shoulder high, when you have points you can marshal, when eloquence is not in short supply, yet you remain lowly and allow others to have a field day.

"The reward of humility [that is, having a realistic view of one's importance] and the [reverent, worshipful] fear of the LORD Is riches, honor, and life.
" — Prov 22:4

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if we observe any seed of pride growing in any particular area of our life,we need to cry unto the lord to show mercy unto us and deliver us quick. All round humility is what the lord demands - in your thoughts, actions and general carriage. This is why the scripture talks of "Walking out our salvation" (phil.2:12).

The starting point of humility is being born again. But more than that, our life would need some restructuring day by day. This is why the scripture talks about " working out our salvation with fear and trembling".

*know that of our own we are nothing

  • know that whatever we have is by the grace of God and not because we are smart

*know that victory and power to become a star and remain a star comes from God

  • Never see ourselves as all -knowing

  • Take daily practical steps

Always yield to the Holy spirit prompting whenever he is pointing at a weakness in our life.

Humility within and without is a challenge that must be met by any believer that is nursing a hope to be with the lord hereafter. To be with God you must have the character of God. The Bible says :"And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth...Rev.21:27. The character of God is humility. This is the reason it enjoined every believer no matter your level to humble yourself before the almighty. Apostle Paul encourage us by saying ;let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. What mind ? A humble and contrite Spirit so that you shall be pleasing in the sight of God.

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So, steemians and steemchurch i want us to ask our self this question - in what area of our life is humility missing?
As we answer it geniunely and ask God for mercy unto us and deliver us, i pray we become humble in that area. Amen!!!!



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We need to take a moment and just remember that this is not me telling you anything. This is us submitting ourselves to what God has to say to us through the scripture.
We have to be careful that we don’t fall into the same trap that the leaders of Israel did. They were so caught up with their own place of authority and their own perception of what they thought God was like, that they were no longer able to see what God was actually doing right in front of them.
God is at work in our world, all around us.

Christ was unassuming even unto demise and we who follow in his strides as his envoys ought to receive lowliness as our most grounded temperance.

Christ was humble even unto death and we who follow in his foot steps as his ambassadors should adopt humility as our strongest virtue. Thanks for the lovely post @preciousigwe

Thiss is a wonderful and great message. Humility is the quality of being courteously respectful of others and the quality that let us go more than half way to meet the needs and demand of others. John 18:4 says " Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child,the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven". Humility is part of God's character. Humility is power. It is being purged of self. It is an absolute appreciation that you are what you are only by the grace of God. A person is said to be scripturally humble when he has things that can boast about, yet, he chooses to see, and relate to those 'achievement' as inconsequential. Humility is not when you are in a helpless state and do not have an option to the tail position. Rather it is when you have all it takes to stand shoulder high, when you have points you can marshal, when eloquence is not in short supply, yet you remain lowly and allow others to have a field day. if we observe any seed of pride growing in any particular area of our life,we need to cry unto the lord to show mercy unto us and deliver us quick. All round humility is what the lord demands - in your thoughts, actions and general carriage. Thanks for sharing

Modesty is an essential property of a devotee

A debt of gratitude is in order for offering to us

Humility knows it is dependent on grace for all knowing and believing. “What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?” ( 1 Corinthians 4:7 ). “In humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls” ( James 1:21 ).


Humility is a wonderful virtue that a person can have. There are few who can be completely humble because there is always some pride, arrogance and pride in people. When the person manages to put an end to pride in his life, allows God to act completely in him, allows God to do his will in him. As you mention in the publication, a person who has all the resources and does not take advantage of these to obtain a benefit, it is little to be seen at present, since society has lost what little humility there was. We must work in order to recover humility in society and above all in our personal lives to please God 100%. God bless you

Humility is a very important attribute of a believer

Thanks for sharing with us


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