Who is your hope built on

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

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My hope is built is on nothing else but jesus christ the son of God,As believers we should build our hope on Jesus and no one else.

Hope relates to the future. It is the means of our assurance of treasures hidden in the invisible realm as forming a motivating force for our Christian race and struggles. Hope produces patience by which we enjoy the best of God which comes to us,always and only ,at the appointed time."But if we hope for that we see not ,then do we with patience wait for it" (Romans 8: 25).

Thus, the lesson of the "fullness of time...",which teaches that God has his appointed time for all his works and programme, must be fully appreciated by all those who wish to walk with God.

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Because of the closeness of the subject of hope and faith,they derive from and rest on the same foundation. Thus ,the basic of our hope share to some extent the source of our faith however, with emphasis on the aspects of those assurance which relate more to the future.

The basis of a christian hope includes:

  • The Bible as an infalliable,unfailing and external word of God -psalm 119:81,89;

*God - who cannot lie- looking at numbers 23:19and can be therefore trusted to the end.

  • Resurrection -psalm 16:9-11; 1 corinthians 15:19; 2 corinthians 5:10; Hebrew 9:27 looking at his book of the bible are evidence abound to inform us that everything does not begin or end here. There will yet be punishment for sinners and rewards for the just and believers.

  • Event of our days which fulfil the prophecies - Luke 21:31 Both science and the Bible are finding a common ground today that the days of our sojourn on earth are numbered .

*" Christ in you... " - Colosians 1:27 - Anyone without Christ has been described as an endless hope while a life without Him is a hopeless end. To put your hope on any other thing is to place the ladder of your life on a vacuum.


  • Our hope as christian must be in God and his words to make it a living one in the first (Romas 5 vs 2-5)

*Our hope must be nurtured and renewed (1john 3:3)

  • Our hope as christian should be shared with others at available opportunity. This address our obligations to witness to sinners about the grace of God,testifying about our hope for a reward to follow our toil in the present world.

  • Our hope must be defended against heresy and scepticism (1peter 3:15).

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As believers while our faith deals with the issue of 'today' and 'now' ,our hope provides us with a bridge between the invisible treasures we hold today by faith and the visible manifestation of the same at a future date. Hope forms the main inspiration of the psalmist to declare that "...weeping may endure for a night,but joy cometh in the morning" (Psalm30:5).
Christ in you is the hope of glory.


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One of my favorite songs says;

My hope is built on nothing else

We must build our faith in God alone

We are assured of safety

Warm regards


Christ in our life is the hope of glory...
@Owoblow thanks 4 reading
Warm regards

Indeed, that is a wonderful queation.
As for me , my hope is build nothing else, than jesus blood and righteousness. All christ the solid rock i stand, all other rock is sinking sand. We as a christain we should put our trust and hope in God.

Yes our hope as christian is Jesus blood and righteousness
Thanks @ femiandrew

Our hope is not in our own efforts. Our own abilities. We’ve seen how helpless, how useless we can be. And how we contribute to one problem, even as we try to solve another. Our hope is not (ultimately) in our own circumstances changing or our health improving or specific situations in our families or workplaces or communities being resolved. We may hope for some of those things. But the relief is temporary. Each new day brings challenges, new “trials and temptations” of its own. Our hope is God and God alone. He can be trusted. He is faithful. And He keeps His promises.

My hope is always on God who is the author and finisher of my faith. Him and only Him guides all my actions and words. Thanks for sharing @precious

To be sure, that is a great queation.

Concerning me , my expectation is manufacture nothing else, than jesus blood and honesty. All christ the strong shake I stand, all other shake is sinking sand. We as a christain we should put our trust and expectation in God.

Hope on Jesus is the souce of God's Life.. That's why the bible says Seek first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness.. And All other things will be added unto you..
The Bible says All not few or some.. ALL i encourage christians to put their on Hope Jesus! Because it the souce of Our Living!!
Thanks @preciousigwe

Thanks for reading
Nice and wonderful contribution
God bless you@graywood

Faith is not knowing where you are going, faith is knowing who you are following.. Have faith in God

Indeed, Christ is our solid rock on whom our hope is built on.
Our faith is strengthened and nourished through the help of His Spirit... His word are spirit and life.
Thanks for sharing.
Kind regards.

Indeed, that is a wonderful queation.
As for me , my hope is build nothing else, than jesus blood and righteousness. All christ the solid rock i stand, all other rock is sinking sand. We as a christain we should put our trust and hope in God.

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