Three reasons you should like yourself

in #steemchurch7 years ago

1. God likes you.

Of course, He does. He made you and He did a good job. Sometimes He gets so excited over you He starts to sing!

... He will take delight in you with gladness. ... He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”
Zep 3:17 NLT

2. There is no one else like you.

Your thumbprint. Your iris. Your DNA. Your voice. Your unique sense of humour. There is no one else like you.

Image source

You are not a by-product or the result of a mindless, automated process. Your Creator spent time and energy in creating you.

3. You made you.

You have spent many years (how old are you?) making choices that have shaped who you are today. Some of those choices may be debatable but they are YOUR choices. If anyone should like them, it is you!

And guess what: YOU are not done! Tomorrow you will make more choices. And become more of who you want to be.

What do you like the most about you? Leave me a comment describing that trait.

Or if you do not know, what does your family/spouse/best friend like the most about you? Leave that in a comment. But please spend some time finding the answer to the first question asap.

Jesus replied, “‘You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”
Mat 22:37-40 NLT

I look forward to your comments. Even if you disagree.



It's quite hard to elaborate about what I like about my self. I usually take that from people I know. However, I'd like to participate in your discussion here with humility 🤗
I coulden't imagine how and where my life would be right now if it is without God. He definitely made this life worthy through Jesus Christ and if there is one thing I most like about my self, that is I love doing stuff that could greatly contribute to His kingdom.
I am kind of positive person that aspire to make a change in every single life who feel down and lost.
Thank you for this @reonlouw! Got you from Kryptonia sir (@wilsonblue5)

Thank you @wilsonblue5. Hope we will take part in many more discussions here on Steemit. Enjoyed your contribution.

I'll do sir! thank you! I will keep eye on your future posts as well.

I'm blessed with everything I need. Only God can turn my MESS into a message, a TEST into a testimony, a TRIAL into a triumph and with God all things are possible. Kryptonia ID: @riyuwe

Blessed indeed!

Well said.Kryptonia id @richardmacneil

It is so true that God loves us all. He gave us freewill to choose our own ways and that made us unique with anyone! Upvoted and commented by rubelynmacion of krypto

Thank you @rubelynmacion. Our free will is maybe the most powerful thing in out lives. With great power...

its true....i agree with you...,

Kryptonia id @crypto_media

I think we want to do the second one, but we should do the first. The latter leads to a downward spiral and it does not matter who started. The end is bad.

I like finding answers. My Kryptonia account is @ianstevenson

Awesome! My brother is like that too.

great article( iulianpatache)

I think it's best to focus on our strengths, accept our weaknesses, forgive all, and try to improve everything. There's no one like you, and there is no one like me! Thanks, a great message. Upvoted and re-steemed courtesy of Jerry32 from kryptonai.

Thank you @sanitizemylife. Improving everything may be a challenge for me...