in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

I remember when I started singing, I so much love gospel music and this make me to move closer to God, everyday I use to sing a new song to praise God and I also encourage my junior once to emulate what am doing because in the presence of God there is fullness of joy.
But there is no happy home that won't experience temptation, the same happen to me when I met a guy called cross he promised to help me through my music and through this I started to go out with him in the name of help and he started introducing me to all the bad guys I know in the street during this period I totally forget about God and I started chasing carrier, but on that faithful day God bring me back because I too have started doing what those guyz are doing, my pastor called me and remind me how happy I use to be when praising God, with little word from my pastor I know that God loves me and he is the only one that can show me the way. The tears of a lost child started rolling down from my eyes.
The next I went back to the source of my song , my happiness, my joy and he received me back and gave me a new song.

No matter what you may be passing through right now, the love of Christ will locate you and give you a new song. Amen


If we are far from home, Heavenly Father always waits for us, every morning he raises his eyes at the door of the road and asks himself: When will my son return, when he will perceive that I am his father and he is my son?
How important is the doctrine of salvation in the life of the believer converted to Jesus Christ! Let us strengthen our identity as children of God every day! Our evangelical churches should be more focused on this: To reaffirm to believers that our identity as children of God is based on the work of Christ, on the faith we have placed in his death and resurrection, and not precisely on our misplaced far from home .


It is the best decision you have made, Welcome home @samklef, you are waiting for the heavens are open the father keeps loving you.

No matter what you may be passing through right now, the love of Christ will locate you and give you a new song. Amen

Amen and Amen.

Is just like you are writing my true life story. Thank God you are still alive to sing a new song. Am happy for you.

God almighty will surely raise you up, make you stand and set your feet on higher ground in Jesus name.

"No matter what you may be passing through right now, the love of Christ will locate you and give you a new song. Amen" Amen thanks for given me such an inspiration this morning.

It's good that you returned to the road on time, this is what the logo of my user theonlyway means, the arrow up, represents the narrow road that leads to eternal life, the way of Jesus and the intersection represents us who were deviated from the road, and we join it, it is not a simple traffic signal. I give you this biblical verse so you do not forget it.

It is better to be one day in your courts, than a thousand outside of them! I prefer to be a doorkeeper in the temple of my God, than to live in places of evil.
Psalm 84:10

thanks for your post.

Jesus shows His love toward us in many ways, ultimately proving it through His death and resurrection from the dead.
First, the love of Christ is shown through Jesus coming from heaven to earth.

John 1:14 teaches that, "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth."

Jesus endured being betrayed by a close follower, the love of Christ was shown through the pain Jesus suffered in His beatings and death upon the cross

Romans 5:8 teaches, "God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

The love of Christ is seen in many ways, including the changes that take place in our own lives. His love in us allows us to show love to others, impacting people with the love of Christ everywhere we go.

Thanks for sharing with us @steemchurch, @samklef

Glory be to God for the grace that we all received to obtain Mercy from God through the death of Christ.

Am happy for you for out of His exceeding love and grace He sought for you and call you back. There are many people out there who wish to turn back but they don't have the opportunity.

Glory be to God for all He has done and for all He will continue to do. His love is everlasting.

Sometimes we tarry away like the prodigal son, many people should be doing exploit for God with their talent but they are running away from God all mighty In this situation like the prodigal son, you came home really,
It's a relief that you took a turn, back into the things of God, it's really worth it.

We all face temptations especially when the devil see that we are so in love with God, he will try to take us away, you have make the best decision and never depart from him again

Thanks to GOD for your life.. He saved you and restored your joy.
Therefore with joy you will draw water From the wells of salvation..

Now I think this passage shouldn't depart from you.
Psalms 16:8 I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.