in #steemchurch6 years ago

Ladies and gentlemen of the SteemChurch,

'Not all is as peaceful as we would like.'

Earlier today this Knight stubbled across a ZeroHedge article titled -

'End-Times Persecution? World's Largest Country Is Destroying 1000s Of Crosses And Bibles'

... and he was horrified!

Attacks upon Christians are prevalent the world over. What many from the West believe to be mere left-wing assault upon Christian values, has now become all out offensive upon our churches, our clergy and our faith. With the murder of Christians becoming common practice in some regions.

Mr Michael Snyder reports...

All over the world, Christians are being attacked, Bibles are being burned and churches are being shut down.

New religious regulations (in China) that went into effect in February are being brutally enforced, and this is causing some to point out the frightening parallels between Communist China and Nazi Germany.

According to Fox News:

The Chinese government is destroying crosses, burning bibles, closing churches and forcing Christian believers to sign papers renouncing their faith as the crackdown on religious congregations in Beijing and several provinces intensifies.


According to the Express:

Authorities have also “raided Christian homes to remove religious symbols, arrested church members and seized churches”.

In Henan province alone, more than 7,000 crosses have been destroyed, but other than Fox News most of the mainstream media outlets in the United States have been completely silent about this very important story.

It is not only China. Islamics viciously attacked home churches in Egypt:

Homes of Copts in the Minya region were attacked by hundreds of furious locals leaving two Christians with knife wounds in the head and face, World Watch Monitor reports.

Four homes were ransacked, looted and partially set on fire by a Muslim mob during the three-hour-long attack, which was reportedly in protest of one of the properties being used as a home church.

And earlier this year in Ethiopia, a total of 69 churches were torched by Islamists…


On March 2nd, Muslims went on a rampage in an Islamic area of Ethiopia, beginning with an assault on churches in Asendabo. ICC and others alerted the world and called on the Ethiopian government to intervene. Unfortunately, the local government did not intervene and the attacks continued for a week. When the smoke cleared, the damage was evident. The Muslims had burned down the homes of 30 Christian leaders, they had killed one Christian, wounded several others, and torched 69 churches, a Bible school, and a Christian orphanage. One of the many wounded in these attacks was the grandson of a church elder who put himself in between the Muslim militants and his grandfather when they arrived to kill the elderly man. The Islamists attacked the young man with machetes – seriously wounding his head and hand and leaving him for dead. His family was forced to make a three-hour journey on foot to bring him to a hospital in a nearby city.

Mr Snyder ended his report with:

  1. Hatred for Christians and the Christian faith is rapidly rising all over the planet, and this was something that I warned about in my book about Bible prophecy. We should do all that we can to put pressure on governments to stop persecuting Christians, but if we really are in the end times, ultimately the persecution is just going to continue to escalate.

  2. The good news is that persecution always brings out the best in the people of God, and I believe that the greatest chapters of the Church are still ahead.

  3. So let us pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters all over the world, and let us also prepare ourselves for the immense persecution that is on the horizon for all of us.


A Safe-Space for Christians.

Utilising blockchain technology - the SteemChurch offers Christians of the world a virtual, encrypted and anonymous Church for prayer and discussion.

Through @reliquary, we are now in the process of uploading the entire Bible for eternal safe guarding.

However, in light of reported events, this Knight seeks to step-up measures for the protection of Christian heritage.

He has asked @hboi to begin investigations into the establishment of a 'virtual museum' for the preservation of Christian art and sculpture. Whilst our enemy might be able to destroy the physical antiquities, they will be unable to destroy the Christian memory of them.

Both SirKnight and @hboi will work on the methodology for cataloging and presenting the art and sculpture here on the blockchain. We will then entrust all parishioners with the task of researching, capturing the images, detailing and securing here on Steem.

Stay calm and sensible my friends - but always be alert!

Links to Michael Snyder articles:


The American Dream:


These are trying times. I am A Nigerian and we are having countless killings and organized attack on christians where churches and homes burnt, and the government does nothing about it.

But let us be encouraged by this promise by God..

I will build my church and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it.

Let us turn this into a prayer for the church and ourselves.

As @sirknight, God bless you for your efforts, it wont go unrewarded

theY devil will always try but will always lose cause Christ which is the head of the church defeated him long ago.

To everY child of God, learn to be alert and apply wisdom where necessary.

What a sad reality! Well, the Word of God which cannot be burned, able to outlive every human, has clued us of these happenings-- the persecution of the body of Christ all over the world. But as believers, we are undoubtedly saddled with responsibility to always hold fast our profession (in words and actions).

And I'm glad that believers of your kind are still committed to seeing that heritage we received from God-- and that which were passed than to us by luminaries of the faith are preserved.

Thanks for this 'call-to-action' post. God bless you, SirKnight.
Kind regards.

Virtual museum for preservation of Christian art and sculpture on blackboard is a great move.
The devil is a liar

Persecution we will face but with faith and strength of our Lord we shall overcome!!.
I'm not surprised, the end is nearer and I encourage my brothers and sisters that you should strive towards salvation for thy rewards awaits you in heaven.

Posted using Partiko Android

I hope that your heart's wishes are fulfilled as well as how each of the projects that have been proposed have been fulfilled. Directly God in front of each project to bless Lives from all over the World. !!

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?
Romans 8:35

The end is near but we must stick together as a Christians and work to protect the Christianity for the next generation.

Great initiative sir.

That will be a great move. Having an art repository for christianity will be another great project of the steem church. Thank you great SN for digging this out. It's a timely project. I pray for more direction and insight.

This is very sad,look at what the world is turning into, end time is so near. We have to be alert so that we won't miss it. Thank you @sirknight for this information.

God bless you my brother. Yes, we are in a war. This war is being played out in the arena of ideologies and philosophies. Some call it a cultural war, but make no mistake it is a spiritual war. We must pray our brothers and sisters in the Lord will remain strong throughout the persecution. To God be the glory. He will never place more on us than we can bear.

This very difficult times for Christians as most Christians teachings are opposed, but with Christ we are still strong. Lets all have faith and stand for our heritage and also pray hard. For Christ is victorious so we are also victorious.

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