STEEMCHURCH - Which Land Are You Liberating

in #steemchurch6 years ago

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Many Christians wonder why they are not progressing in life. They then begin to blame it on one enemy or the other. Next they begin to seek “deliverance" from servants of God And as their problem continues, someone then asks them to go for land liberation.

And so you see them going to the family house in the village, or so and doing all sorts of things including cutting down what they call evil trees. Some dig up objects in the soil and say it is the cause of their problems. Some gather sand and begin to speak to it. All sort of things are done this days in the name of land liberation. And at the end of it all what is the result? Nothing achieved. In some cases the problems even get worse.

And so one might ask where is the God of Elijah who sent down fire from Heaven without any “evil-tree" hindering it? Where is the God of Moses who set His people free from Pharaoh's hand and who divided the Red Sea, so that His people might pass? Where is the God of Elisha who made the enemy army, the army of Syria, blind, so that Elisha took them captive? Were there no evil trees in Egypt and in the regions of the Red Sea? Did Moses have to cut them down and do “land liberation” before God could answer? How many evil objects” did Elisha I dig up before his enemies were made blind?

Were there no evil trees in ‘Athens‘? In ' Macedonia? In Corinth? In Philippines? How many of them did Paul cut down before he took those places , for Christ? What of Rome, the headquarters of idolatry? Were there no evil objects in Rome and in Galatia? Yet Paul brought down the Power of the Almighty God to bear on those cities, without first of all digging up any “evil object".

Evil Land of the Heart

The truth is this, we have focused our eyes on the wrong place. Yes, there is a land that is full of evil, and which needs urgent liberation. But that land is not the physical land of our fathers house or elsewhere. Instead it is the spiritual land of our hearts.

Yes, the heart is a Spiritual land, for a sewer went to sow, and some fell by the wayside, some on rocky soil, some on thorny ground and others on good soil. And we are told these things happen on the land of the hearts of men! (See Mark 4:120).

Is your heart fertile and receptive for the things of God to grow and bear fruits? Or is your heart stony, rocky, dry and useless? The real problems is here on the land of our heart and not on the physical land of our fathers house or any other.

If our hearts are dry and cannot allow Gods fruits to grow in us, then we cannot have the peace, the joy the progress, the blessings we are looking for. Why? Because spiritual things control physical things. If our hearts are dry and unproductive (spiritual condition) then it will manifest in the physical realm too. We will then have unproductive, unprogressive physical lives too.


Beautiful word metaphor. I was surprised initially when I read that topic, but when deciphered I saw the gems in it. Thanks for sharing.

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Upvoted & Resteemed

When the past is crippling us, we must learn how to move forward in life. ... don't want to forget the bad experiences we had with others; sometimes we are afraid .... Are you growing spiritually or are you stagnant? I pray God help us.

Amazing, sometimes Christians focus on the wrong things, they tend to get too physically inclined that they forget the should work on the spiritual aspect they should be liberating, beautifully written brotherly.