This is the scoop of the new stage of @Steemchurch as International Ministry, thanking God, @sirknight, my family, all the people who have been gathered here and who from their spirits have given me the strength and courage to accept this call, that more than an earthly call, it is a mission that comes from heaven and its design has been given to me in a powerful way.
He was a torch that burned and shone; and you wanted to rejoice for a time in its light. (John 5:35)
The torch symbolizes the rectitude of the character (Jn 5.35), the light that springs from the Sacred Scriptures (2 P 1.19) and hope (Is 62.1). Today I have in my hand a torch with a burning fire for Jesus and to reach crowds and I have the task of passing it on to everyone who reads this message, God desires that each one of us be the light that illuminates a community, a city, a country and even the last of the earth.
"To heaven and earth I have as witness that my lord has put before me: life and death, blessing and curse, I choose today life to live it in blessing with mine, because my mouth will be full of word of God and she is full of blessings, today I accept with humility and commitment to give the best I have to fulfill the divine purpose, and leave the world in a better place, be the mother of the generations that conquered the most extensive territories, and to be that guide that will lead a people to multiplication, to fight for their dreams, and to be men and women with firm feet, under the direction of the precious Holy Spirit."
Change management consists of "successfully managing the transition between a present situation and a future situation in which there is a promise to improve".
"A change will be achieved only when it adds value and when people perceive that value."
We will develop the process through different phases:
Initial contact: Identifying what is to be achieved requires an initial contact aimed at sufficiently disclosing the objectives, means and possible results, in a way that compensates for the lack of knowledge and keeps them informed.
Understanding: We know that most of the time we resist change, but we are not a company, we are a community full of love that can understand at all times what each one feels.
Installation: it is time to design the pillars on which the change will be constructed, allowing us to see in a more practical and real way how evolution will materialize.
Acceptance: Start the pure technical work, with plans to develop the new processes.
Internalization: It consists of leaving a period of time for the community to become accustomed to the changes implemented and to be convinced of its positive effects at the individual and group level.
Commitment: Finally, the changes introduced and contrasted must count on the commitment of the church that it will provide the means and resources so that they can be properly developed.
Today we reveal The Organizational Structure of Steemchurch, to manage our activities, operation and resources. We are presenting it in a global way, then it will be broken down and assigning the tasks according to the function that we will have to reach the objectives.

Under these parameters the church will be established at the organizational level.
Official Announcements
A work plan has been established in a progressive manner to implement the changes in this new stage, in this sense the main managers and / or leaders of the parishes are announced.
The Steemchurch account will be managed in its entirety by @darlenys01, the mother church has been established as an altar where the strategic blogs of the leaders, the parishes, statistical management report and all that information that benefits our community will be exposed. Similarly, the fund collection will be used to manage and promote projects and tasks of the subcommunities.
The parishes of @sc-v, @sc-n will enter a process of expansion through the creation of sub-parishes, due to the territorial extension that covers them and the people who work from different cities.
@sc-v will be in charge of our sister @ricci01, who has been working with a lot of responsibility during all this time.
@sc-v (Sucre) will be in charge of our brother @emiliocabrera who has done a job in his native land of importance.
@sc-n will be directed by @uyobong a young entrepreneur, teacher of the word and who has contributed much to the church.
A sub parish will be created in @sc-n which will be led by the current leaders @fatherfaith and @adedoyinwealth.
@sc-g will continue under the guidance of our brother @bigssam.
Our first missionary parish will also be created.
The general secretary of @steemchurch will be in charge of @mariela.
It is important to note that we will have an executive committee which will be chosen during the progress of the transition. The brothers @uyobong and @emiliocabrera will also have some important activities in Steemchurch that will be notified as soon as possible.
As I have notified in other opportunities each one of us has a function in the body of Christ, we will be receiving proposals in which area you would like to incorporate into the organizational structure, in the next messages will be explained in detail in what each of the positions of work.
While we are in our transition process, keep active by creating special contents for the church, do not forget the task we have for the Steemchurch Telos registry.
We are walking towards the same vision, the same project of life, @edxserverus will be preparing the new designs for all the parishes, feel free to use the new logos of our international ministry.
Our work will be as a team and led by the mother church, the new strategies and the following decisions will be announced in the next message, we will address issues of social projects and @farms.
Feel free to ask about any doubt or suggestion that is available through the telegram channel: @darlenysugas or you can communicate through the email: darlenys@steemchurch.org.
Finally, I make a special call to all the members of the church to actively interact in this process of change.
To register at Steemchurch telos, fill out the following form:

Our special thanks @steempress-io.for their collaboration to add value to this platform. If you want to use steempress, look for information here:steempress

With love,

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://steemchurch.repollo.org/2019/06/08/turning-on-the-torch-that-will-travel-the-five-continents-carrying-the-cross-of-freedom/
God my father. To Jesus Christ my lord of whom I am and whom I serve, To the holy spirit my guide, my comforter my best friend I give thanks for this opportunity. A @darlenys01 for entrusting this responsibility on my shoulders to our maximum leader @Sirknight from whom this vision was born, I thank once again this opportunity that they give me. Responsibility that I accept to direct with humility commitment and direction of God being persuaded of this "that the, one that began in you the good work, will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ".
To all the leaders and brothers of steemchurch we must remember that all that God orchestrates in the life of a Christian is to do it like Jesus. We have been predestined for that. It is something that God does out of love for his name, to praise the glory of his grace
@darlenys01 I bless once again your ministry, that in this new structure that you have designed with determination and coherence within this project that is the essence of the objective to follow to consolidate the purpose of this management God accompany you with wisdom and direction of the Holy Spirit where the only purpose is that the man of God is apt to correct to teach to read and to spread the gospel for salvation.
You are truly gifted in change management My Lady and your organisational structure is just what this Church needed to see us bring light to the world.
The YouTube clip was a great touch.
My deepest thanks go to you My Lady for taking on this enormous task with such vigor.
Thanks to you Sirk, because you are my ideal help for this mission, without your help and guidance I could not be here.❤
Well presented and explained the new structure of SteemChurch International Minister. Congratulations to the new CEO @Darlenys01 for this work, also congratulations to all the elected Leaders to carry out the arduous task of bringing the message of salvation to all peoples: The Message Of The Cross.
The concept of the torch is the best example to start a Christian Ministry and must be taken into consideration by all those who will lead from Venezuela, Nigeria, Ghana and the rest of the world. If there is no fire, the passion will be extinguished and, like John the Baptist, we can extinguish ourselves in a short time. However, keeping the fire with the heavenly oil of the Spirit of God will bring true changes to the Real world. -REVIVAL-
I think it is time for God to use us for his purpose and not the other way, as a reflection: Both those who lead, and those who share the gospel in their blogs, must have a good relationship with God so that the effect of the word has support and reaches the hearts.
Yes, it is important that each sub-community follow the guidelines of the Mother Church so that the objectives do not fall to the ground, maintaining an objective in front requires a lot of determination.
As always, I congratulate all the parishioners who are always with us in good times and in bad, I know that God will open the door for many of you in any part of the world with the International Ministry of SteemChurch. Stay active
I am pleased to direct @sc-v Sucre, the eastern area of Venezuela, I ask God for wisdom and humility to execute this.
Thanks to Darlenys, Uyobong and Sirknight, by the way SK, although you are busy on the Telos platform, do not forget to congregate in the Church of Steem 😊. Hebrews Chapter 10: 25
You also, children of Zion, rejoice and rejoice in Jehovah your God; for he has given you the first rain in his season, and he will bring down on you early and late rain as in the beginning. The threshing floors will be filled with wheat, and the wine presses will overflow with wine and oil. And I will restore to you the years that the caterpillar ate, the jumping, the revoltón and the lobster, my great army that I sent against you. You shall eat to the full, and praise the name of Jehovah your God, who worked wonders with you; and never will my people be ashamed.
Joel 2: 23-26
With love for everyone: @emiliocabrera
Thank you for your words of reflection brother Emilio, it makes me smile this:
Pending Sirk, as the Bible says do not stop assembling as some are accustomed.🤣
Yes, I see it a lot in the Telos corral and it can be ruined by a Goat, or it can be chased by a lion... 😂😂😂...
Gloriouskids are grateful to God for meeting such a glorious family of Steemchurch where true love is being expressed, the leadership of @darlenys01 will bring us in all round realities because she’s a woman of faith unto God and love towards humanity.
Congratulations to all leaders with great duties to perform.
We’re the gloriouskids and we’re grateful seeing our international family moving in harmony and love.
All this work will be for you, my beautiful children who deserve the best, and the best of God will be manifested in their lives. I love them.
It is important for the people to be properly informed. Thats what you have done. I wish more OIL.
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This is a clear and powerful vision of the path we should follow, thanks, @darlenys01 I know it is an arduous but necessary task for our growth. May God accompany you on this path.
Congratulations to all the newly appointed leaders. May God grant everyone the grace and wisdom to take Steemchurch International to greater heights.
God bless the new structure of SteemChurch, we pray that the God of Heaven will send his blessing to all who serve in the work of God.
Thank you Apostle Darlenys for this deep and detailed breakdown of the new organizational structure of Steemchurch International. This restructuring is a call to service and more dedication.
It is expected that all parishioners of Steemchurch and subcells would put in their best in discharging their responsibilities to the glory of God and the blessings of humanity.
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We hope to focus on this @uyobong for the growth of the church, we have reunion.Thank you for your words and your gift of service.
Words full of hope and power, loving the end part that’s taking us through the direction of the precious Holy Spirit who knows the mind of God.
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