Update of the distribution program of Bibles in alliance with the Gideons
The peace of God be with you men and women of good.
Some time ago we announced the memorable alliance between SteemChurch and some Executives of the Gideons.
The Gideons do an incredible job in the world: They distribute new biblical testaments in several languages in rooms of hotels, motels and other public places, as well as waiting rooms for doctors and dentists. New Testaments are placed in hospitals and clinics within the reach of each bed. A special edition is offered to the students of the schools, to the students, to the soldiers, to the personnel of the medical body and to the prisoners of the prisons. They often reach those who do not usually go to churches and can not be touched in any other way by the Word of God.
They work in alliances with the Christian Churches that have taken on the challenge of expanding the gospel of God.
When we told him about SteemChurch and everything we had been doing in the block chain, they gave us a vote of confidence and answered our request for the distribution of Bibles in various public institutions in a rural area of eastern Venezuela that they greatly need. have as a slogan the biblical principles.
It should be noted that the day of distribution of Bibles was focused on three important sectors in the municipality Benítez del Este de Venezuela (Rural Zone):
Health sector
State Security Sector
Education Sector
(Sector Segurity)
(Sector Education)
(Sector Health)
Thanks to Capellan Orlando Guerra for his wonderful unconditional support, also to the municipal police director for his cordial reception on this day. A special thanks to two parishioners who always support us: @bertha1 and @carolina17
Without a doubt, the Bible is one of the most attacked sacred books in history. Countries that lived according to sacred texts or biblical principles, always maintained a high moral, however, when other countries dried the bible of schools and universities, many problems arose as a result of social decomposition.
At SteemChurch we thank @reliquary for keeping the Bible and protecting it in the blockchain.
All Scripture is inspired by God, and useful to teach, to reprove, to correct, to instruct in righteousness, so that the man of God may be perfect, fully prepared for every good work.
2 Timothy 3: 16-17
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Steemchurch is raising and helping lives in many ramifications, your works are really visible, and I say may the grace of God continue being with you all
Thank you @steemchurch for this updates of projects with the initiative of Bible alliance with Mr. Gideon, the Bible is our tools as Christians as every worker has his tools that help him during working. This initiative will go a long way to power up our campaign to announce the name of Christ to most part of the world. Thanks to @gideons for this love for @steemchurch.
Very true is the word of life that vivifies morality in society. Thanks SteemChurch for this inspiring update.
This is worthy of praise! And all praises must be to God who have equipped men unto every good work. Thanks to @steemchurch, to @sirknight and to Gideons.
At the increase of his kingdom; there shall be no end!
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This is an incredible step to having the word of God reach to many. Thank you @Steemchurch for being committed to this cause.
To God be the glory!
Our societies must change and that change begins with the Bible. God bless SteemChurch and our parishioners. Pray for the Gideons!
I see a lot of cohesiveness in this picture, they deserve to be exemplified
May the name of the Lord be praised. God bless each and everyone who made this mission a success. Forward ever backward never.
It is a pleasure to serve God! God bless you SteemChurch