Premarital Sex

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Good day my fellow steemit members. How is your day going? I hope well. Mine was great, I woke up strong this morning prepared and left for work. While discussing at my work place,we talked about premarital sex. After the discussion I decided to write on this topic "Premarital sex". As we all know premarital sex can be defined as having sexual intercourse before marriage. Involving in sexual intercourse before marriage is sinful before God and also before man. Is also part of the ten commandments "Thou shall not fornicate.

During adolescence, we experienced some physical change in different part of our body. For the girls their breast and ass becomes bigger,for the boys their voice changes, their penis become bigger e.t.c. This changes are made by God for young ones to grow into adulthood. Due to the changes young ones become attractive to their opposite sex. They might be tempted to have sex at this early age. Having sex at this age is known as "Premarital Sex".

Effect of Premarital Sex

Premarital sex have so many effect on partakers (those involved), their family and to the society at large. The effect of premarital sex are discussed below:

  1. Transmission of infection or deadly disease: Those who partake in premarital sex may contact disease like HIV/AIDS, diarrhoea,and other deadly disease that may take their lives or make them suffer.

  2. Unwanted pregance:This affect the girl. Due to lake of information about sex education, girls involved in premarital sex will end up been pregnant at their early age. Been pregnant at this early age will make them drop out from school and some of them may die in the process of traminating the baby.

  3. Drop out from school: The boy and the girl involved may drop out from school. They forget everything about school and struggle to cater for their young home (only if he accepts the prganacy). This may lead them to other kind of criminal offence like killing, kidnapping, stealing in order to meet their needs.

  4. Lack of morals: When this young parents gives birth they can not handle their children to behave morally because they are not well matured to carry our parental responsiblitys.

Measures to prevent Premarital Sex

1.Parents should teach their children on the effect of premarital sex.
2.Govement should provide different medium to teach about sex education.
3.Religious center should encourage their young ones not to involve in such act.
4.Adolescent's should be God fearing.
5.Don't look at ur opposite sex lustfully

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I think with this few measures premarital sex can be minimized.

Thank you very much for going through my post.
I love u all.


Lovely post that's what the world need to hear now

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