Ned said, "We're ahead!", Steemit always ahead
@Ned's main phrase is "We're up front!" - This feels like this. Technology and society are both in maturity. Two songs from today confirm this. Firstly, in parallel, it is a session about steam scaling and using our power to subvert the power of the State. Many other crypto projects are either vaporware or they just an initial idea for long-term infrastructure.
In my opinion
Steemit learn something new every day, try the best, others. I love being part of this community. So many warm hugs. So many smiles of recognition. So many (good) gestures to society. There's a lot of love here. A strong sense of the power that exists between us. If you have not arrived yet, sign in and join.
steam is always on top
Success and failure is an inseparable sequence, because prior to success it must have failed before. When you feel failure after failure continue to approach, do not let it discourage you.