
Hey man! Can't wait to read the stories! I'm also a filmmaker, I finished film directing at the Film Academy. Always nice to see colleagues here!
Followed you!

Thank you for your kind words. I have seen you around before. I even remember us talking about a French (60s?) film one day. As a picture you had taken reminded me of that.
I see that besides filmmaking and photography, you're also into music videos. Cool!
I'm sure we'll talk again one of these days :>)

Yes! I remember! It was a b&w photo at the dock, I remembered that because that comment made me think :)
I'm looking forward to us hanging out here and sharing stories and art! :)

Same here!
I thought it was a color picture, as the movie it made me think of had this sunny colorful kind of 60s look to it. It was La Piscine (1969)!

Yes! I watched it the day after! :)

cool! or should I say: hot ;>)

I'm glad to meet like-minded people !!!

One of the great things about Steemit for sure :>)

aaaah! Not this Ohrwurm again!
she wore bluuuuue velvet …ah ha ha bluer than velvet was the night
I'm not gonna get rid of that for the next couple of days! Thanks for sharing anyways. I like the shyish way you slowly draw us into your life.
One day, most definitely!

How can you not love that 'earworm', haha!

I also like the recurring theme of shyness in our conversations.

Thank you for your comment :>)

Oh looook, it's a kid Vince!

Yeap, looks like someone I would hang out with.

By the way, lovely find that box... definitely has meaning... what meaning is for you to find out.

Not a coincidence.

I was asked to write a script for a short film that a local film maker wanted to do. I was still in school and when I finished the script and handed it over, he was like "I cannot film this! You truly are a disturbed young man!". And there went my chances to become a "movie star" and "script writer". Well now I am older and even more disturbed. lol

I love these little stories of yours.
You could always try your hand on snuff movies. Although I wouldn't recommend it.

I wrote the "bad guy"role specifically for myself lol. Honestly I think the books I were reading at the time influenced my ideas on the script. Sven Hassel and Black Library books will never be recommended reading for a reason lol

Waiting to see more unraveling of your film making and movie analysing skills. I have a whole lot of movies that made me love movies tho Sound of music is most definitely on top of the list. I'll check out Blue Velvet tho.

I guess we all have totally different movies that influenced us, depending on many different factors. I, for instance, have watched The Sound of Music several times as a kid but it didn't do that much to me. I can understand that it can have an impact on others though.

Blue Velvet, on the other hand, is pretty extreme but it mesmerized me. It's director, David Lynch - who has a background in painting - showed me a whole different side of cinema.

Ok now I'm dying to see the movie . I'm checking it out soon..

please don't die before you watch this ;>)

Lol!! Point taken!

Senang saya bisa jumpa dengan teman sr profesi, sebagai pendatang baru di steemit saya harus banyak belajar mudah mudahan koleksi traler film saya bisa berbagi di sini izin saya follow akun anda

Sorry, I don't speak or understand Indonesian.

Glad I can meet with my friend sr profession, as a newcomer in steemit I have much to learn easy hope collection of movie traler I can share here permit me follow your account

Permission granted and feel welcome!

Nice. I just started a similar project on my personal blog. I hadn't considered doing it here, too. Can't wait to check out your adventures and compare them to mine. Especially seeing how we both have worked in the Sound Dept.

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