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RE: Is The Internet Racist? Let's Build A Stock Photo Library That Actually Represents The World's People

in #steemgig7 years ago

@stellabelle I wonder if it's really deliberate racism, or if it's the way that the pictures are marked up. I've noticed that when I do a google search, and I input something like "science fiction clubs" I get a lot of results that are neither science fiction nor clubs. I think that might be the markup in the descriptions that people put up. A programmer friend of mine does SOE (Search Engine Optimization) work and he tweaks things a million times to get it right.

As to whether there are decent pictures of black people, I must assume that there are. It's just that we aren't seeing them. Also, people are using their cell phone cameras. Some cell phone cameras aren't made to take great pictures.
As for taking a great picture, I'd suggest being in natural lighting (Outdoors) because sunlight provides the best lighting for everyone. You don't need a camera, and you seem more like yourself.
I hope that this helps in some small way.


at this point, it's just important that this gets fixed and because we can do this, it can be done!

I think reason for wrong search 'black man' is because i think this frase is considered as insult. So maybe try to search african-american or african instead. I think that elites are not racist and they promote our world to mix races together so they can unite our world in one world government. When a white men search in youtube frase interracial couples they mostly get white man and black women or asian women couple even if most of mixed couples are black man and white women. So they commercialise that. Mixed couples in the movies., cartoons, magazines, tv, everywhere. I live in country where theu are slmost all white before 20 years and some girls wanted to marry with black man even they didn't saw any in their life. It's commercial from media so i don't think that they are racist. They are against racism.

Thank you belle, i just tried to google african american and most of pictures are true african americans and 1 Donald Trump lol

yeah, I found the same thing....this was probably a bias on my part...
I still think there can be a lot done to add different kinds of people to stock photos...

I guess part of the reason i wrote this is to show one angle, and then let others fill in the gap of my lack of understanding...

Yes we can do a lot more!

As for taking a great picture, I'd suggest being in natural lighting (Outdoors) because sunlight provides the best lighting for everyone.

Just avoid direct sunlight, and preferably shoot when cloudy overhead skies, and/or make use of shades and reflectors. Softboxes and umbrellas are good substitute for natural light when indoors.

Wow! Now I know why photo studios are designed like that.
Would try this from now on...

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