What to do if you want to delete a post?

in #steemhelp8 years ago (edited)

A little while ago, I posted what I thought was a fun article about the Netflix show 'Black Mirror' in the 'random' section. Someone kindly pointed out that this was old news and downvoted it. I looked again and sure enough, this article was from Sept. 2015, so I admitted that this was a mistake. It was downvoted again, and I kind of want to delete it so that I don't risk getting downvoted for something silly that I posted a while ago.

What should I do if I'd like to delete a post from steemit? I know it will remain on the blockchain, but say I just want it not to show up on the frontend anymore, and I'd rather just get rid of it than change the text to 'deleted' or edit it to make something new. Is this an option or is it in the plans for the future?


edit your post and title and erase the content and use topic "spam" for your "new" post

PS the dev's could give us a "delete" button option that would do something similar and... hide/delete our post ;)

of course your "old" post will continue to live on the blockchain but only viewable now from the cli_wallet "experts" and not the "public" steemit users ;)

I just saw the "topic" can't be changed with edit, so my technique would cause some "downvotes" I guess... of course maybe less than leaving it unchanged...
The dev's could easily change that and let us edit the topic/TAGS also, for more reasons than just deleting/hiding a post

Yes, being able to edit the topic and tags may be a good idea.

Contact the developers to Steemit because this is a design flaw which a competitor can take advantage of. A Steemit clone with delete functions and better access control would definitely catch on. Steemit is very nice and a breakthrough but at the same time permanent blockchain storage of all posts seems wasteful.

Why not use a simple DHT with permissions?

Thanks for the ideas. This post is no big deal and I don't mind it being permanent, but I thought I'd ask out of curiosity.

Yeah tried to delete a post today as i missed adding a picture to my post, i cant find a delte button anywhere its daft.

Yeah, we really need one

@liondani sir you are right but if this article is caught by cheetah then you can edit you article by this method


Cheetah is a scam to get curation rewards

it is a very big scam

Hi Liondani, could you please let me know where the edit button is? I just posted by mistake twice my introduction post thinking it hadn't been through and I can't see it. Thanks!!!

I need an edit button too! Please add one, dear devs!

Dear friend @liondani what to do when my post will hide automatically😥

Was thinking about this just now also... Are all of the posts, comments, and interactions 'forever' saved in the blockchain, which is public? Frightening thought, to be honest. I like having a sense of control, I don't really want an immutable ledger of my thoughts or mood on one day that I may regret later.

And this is why we'll see a much higher ratio of quality content here than on other platforms :)

The no delete option is a fatal flaw.

I actually think it may be a design flaw to store everything permanently on the blockchain. Smarter would be to give access control rights to the owner of the power. This could be done through permissions of course and this would guarantee data ownership to the person who posted it. But of course the people who designed Steemit had a different opinion and are going with a similar design to IPFS which again may be flawed.

While I do not like censorship I also don't think everything should automatically be permanent. The person who controls the post should be able to remove access rights to it and while this isn't a delete it would be similar to revoking access keys. It could probably be done even on Steemit if Steemit chooses to integrate with Storj or something similar for the datastore or use a DHT instead of the blockchain but the blockchain was chosen.

This is not the first design which uses the blockchain either. There was Bitmessage which had an even better design than Steemit but Bitmessage was not accessible from the web which may have made all the difference. Also Bitmessage cannot scale either so even if the design was nice from a privacy perspective it could never scale.

Shit. I wish I would have realized there's no going back after putting out a post. Makes you think long and hard about posting anything, especially personal.

It's good personal practice to get in that habit anyway. There's no delete key in real life and everything you post online you should assume is there to stay in an archive somewhere. Even stuff deleted from Facebook... do you think that stuff is actually deleted or is Mark Z holding that blackmail on the server somewhere for some time when it suits Facebook's purposes?

sorry, makes no sense for a platform like Steemit ... when I write a technical article, and technical details, download links, properties or specifications change, I have NO WAY of updating them after just 1 week?

This is ridiculous and makes the platform annoying and unusable for every technical author who cares about keeping his readers up to date and well-informed.

It really is a mistake not to be able to delete the messages, which can throughout the project be lost, as it can cause many legal problems to users for comments made, in cases of double understanding or that no longer corresponds to the reality of the person after a certain period of time posting.

A suggestion to solve the problem would be if the post remains active until payment .. After it is up to the author to continue with the active post to continue receiving votes, or have the possibility to delete it. Otherwise it should only work for journalists, because it makes me apprehensive to continue posting and end up making some mistakes in the posts and comments for not having experience in the field.

I’ve just found out about this and it means Steemit could very well be in breach of a European Law called GDPR. Residents have the right to download their data in full and have that data deleted if they request it.

Anyone have Steemit have a comment?

Now, at july 16, steem takes of, and this is still not possible. Ok, its on the blockchain forever, but this does not mean to show a ''deleted" public on steemit forever.

And whats is with illegal content?

Puede que esta sea una buena forma de asegurar contenido de calidad, pero creo que lo mejor es avisar primero a los que no conocen tal cosa, para que no se lleven un susto o queden desilucionados ¿no? De todos modos editar el nombre y el contenido de los artículos si se puede. ¿Por cierto, alguien le ha echado un ojo a la red social "Paymeabit"?

steemit.....wants NO delete option....everything you do and say now shows up in Google to promote their web site....so if someone googles your name, they can read everything in Steemit you wrote for years back....otherwise....forget using steemit....


After 7 days period the price of that post will transfer to your wallet right ? and can be saved for many days ?

Yes. You can save.

if coins in a blockchain can be burned, i think posts in a blockchain should have that possibility also.

Seriously..???? no delete button. W.T.F... that is ridiculous... esp since we cant change our category tags!! Not impressed Steemit devs, not impressed

I don't understand why they can't make a delete button!

I did and put a SPAM. Still wondering why it added twice !

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