4 Tips For Massive Long-Term Success On Steemit

Not only will these tips make you rich and famous lol, they'll also make the community a better place and drive demand for STEEM!



Thanks Lieutenant Dan! I have been enjoying your YouTube vids immensely. I'm a water scientist and am interested in the ownership and control of water and how it can be made PUBLIC when the use of cryptocurrency helps drive fractional ownership of water rights.

Hi @zackcovell...can you explain a bit more about the ownership and control of water? I have a few stocks in the water/ suer market as we speak and it seems we are similarly interested in the same thing, would love to get more detailed information if you are willing to share!

I followed you let's stay in touch. It's late here and I'm headed to sleep.

Real quick though:
During a drought, senior water rights holders have privileges. Water rights are "first in time, first in right"

Water right is a legal entitlement authorizing water to be diverted from a specified source and put to beneficial, non-wasteful use. Water rights are property rights.

The holders do not own the water itself, they possess the right to use it.

Thank you @zackcovell....this is very interesting indeed! I am also following you and on your FB account :) Talk to you soon!

Cool! Very interesting... looking forward to your posts on that!

Thanks for the video! I'm new to steemit. You say "lots of people are coming so you don't make as much because the price is higher." I think there are a lot of moving parts in that equation. Can you help me understand?

I assumed:
Overall the participation on steemit has grown even as the value of steem on the exchanges "zigzag". For instance this past week all cryptos including steem have been down. But activity on steem is not? If what you are saying is true it must relate to people's cashout value, seeing a decline and losing interest. And you are saying essentially to HODL, not just your investment, but continue to be steady with participation/content. Another factor is that cashing out here takes time and in that time STEEM is up again. I know you are focussed on the community's involvement in price and value, but I wonder how many are invested in STEEM without participating in steemit.

I read this blockchain is producing roughly $100k per day that becomes part of the power of the steem engine. So more active users does mean more division of that power. Is that directly related to STEEM price?

Think in larger "zigzags". The price going up over several months will attracted a wave of people, price correcting over several months will mean a lot of those people who came will lose interest. We're somewhere in the middle of STEEM/Steemit's 2nd major zigzag right now IMO.

If you believe that Steemit has long term potential then you'll be able to take big steps forward during the times when everyone else thinks it's dying. Most people thought Steem was dying from Nov-April and they all left... but those of us that kept at it made significant gains... This cycle will probably happen multiple times before Steemit is a mainstream success.

Also activity on Steemit is not super correlated with price movement right now. but it has been very correlated in the past and it will be again in the future.

Thanks for the response, insight, and interesting speculation! I wasn't really aware that STEEM traded at $4.50 USD in July 2016 and then slid to $.10 USD by October (4 months). It then fell even below $.8 cents going to March 2017. It makes sense that as you say during that period from October to March people lost interest in STEEM. Meanwhile BTC didn't take any such hit in price. I think it's important to notice that the price slide we are on now from the high at the beginning of this month of June correlates with the greater slide in BTC and Ethereum. Has the downtrend of our 2nd zigzag pattern started? Can a social media platform survive another giant exodus? I'm not sure volatility in investment vehicles and social media are comparable, but steem certainly is a good experiment in the correlation.

@dan-atstarlite I'm curious to your opinion: What caused the price to drop last fall? Why did people get back in this spring?

Is there a way to see historical steemit usage stats?

Thanks! Very helpful & well said. Stayin busy while the sun ain't shining. In it for the long haul right behind ya. Steem on!

This was very informative especially the leaving engaging comments in your field of interest. My blogs plan on being related to construction and carpentry so leaving comments related to these fields would be more engaging then just posting on stuff im not passionate about. Thanks for the tip :)

Yeah and as steemit grows you'll find more and more people with those interests. There's still lots of opportunity to carve out some of those communities.

  1. Leave engaging comments. TICK. My comments are all individually tailored and no 2 are similar or same. And right now i've definitely spent more time reading and leaving comments than doing anything else on Steemit.
  2. Create quality content. CROSS. I do try to but sometimes i either dunno what to blog about, or when i do blog about it, it's really not that "good quality" yet. But it's ok! I've only been here for a week.. i will keep on improving my blog contents!
  3. Steemit when the sun ain't shining. TICK. Totally agree, if you have faith in a project, and the long-term value ($$$), of course you should hold or buy more when the price is low. Go against the mainstream trend is what most successful men do.
  4. Bring new friends to Steemit. TICK & CROSS. This is where i really need some advice, even though i have been telling a lot of my friends about Steemit, but maybe my over enthusiasm is a little off-putting sometimes lol and in your opinion, what's the best way to introduce Steemit to someone who has no idea what Bitcoin or blockchain is? Why would they trust something like Steem Dollar?

Last but not least, Dan, I'm so glad that i found your Steemit page and followed. So far all your videos give very solid advice and you certainly deserve a huge success! And i'm going to resteem this post again. :) Thank you thank you!
P.S. Hope i've proven that i'm not a bot. lol

If you are a bot... your AI would be something I'd be very interested in knowing more about lol!

Hang in there with number 2... creating good content is far from easy!

Very good tips. I consider the most important the second tip: Post good quality articles/videos/photos, because in the long term they will catch the attention of other people and "whales".

Where is the lake in your video?

Waterloo On Canada. Wish it was more of a lake though.. it's actually more like a big muddy pond lol

I like this explanation a lot more than some of the really technical posts I've seen about how to maximize earnings (which, at this stage in my understanding of the platform, are mostly lost on me). In essence: be authentic, post great content, build community, and hang in there for the long term. That I can manage!

Exactly, it's really just common (or should be lol) sense

Great vlog, loved the first part....yours truly jaybot ;)

lol I'm totally ignoring you;)

Man, you got rich by steemit and obviously you are playing GOLF now, right ?

lol not rich yet... but I do plan to retire on a golf course I buy with STEEM;)

so whats your handicap? i can only count my handicap in steem ;-)

Thank you Dan for the most informative post that I needed to hear I was getting discouraged but I'm feeling better now, looking forward to your next video peace🌿

Yeah, it takes some time but I think you'll be pretty happy with where you stand 6 months from now if you keep at it! we're all still early adopters

I appreciate your response some days are hard because I just want to share my life a others are sharing theirs with me , I'll keep my chin up thank you😊

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