#TRADITIONAL CUISINE CHALLENGE: Round 2 - Traditional beverages (liquid foods)

in Steemit Iron Chef3 years ago (edited)
Hello Iron Chefs! As you already know 1st round of TCC- *traditional main dishes* is finally and successfully over and winners will be informed by tomorrow.

Here comes the second round.
So, everyone get ready to make......



What are traditional foods?
The foods which are unique to a country, region or area and passed on through generations.

So, do you have a favorite traditional beverage you think members from other countries may haven't heared that much but would love to know and taste?

Then make it and tell us about it.

Here you can make a....

  • Drink /
  • Soup /
  • Porridge /
  • Medicinal drink /
    or any other form of a liquid food which is unique to your area.


  • The topic must be - Traditional Cuisine Challenge - Beverage - (Name of your beverage)

  • Your food must be a - liquid food (🚫can't be a solid food like main meals and sweets/evening snacks)

  • The content must have -
    •A little introduction about the food (What is the country this food comes from, history, nutritious value, taste, the reason you like it, etc.)
    •The cooking method in a very simple manner (We don't expect it as step by step)

  • You must present captures of the-
    •Some cooking moments as you like. (We don't expect captures of every single step)
    • The liquid food you made on a decorated plate.

  • Hash tags you must put - #tcc #beverage #steemitexclusive

  • A simple and interesting content with beautiful captures is much appreciated.

  • Only one entry is allowed and put your entry in the comment section.

  • Marks will be given for.....

  • Opening date- Friday 22of October
    Closing date and the 3rd round will be started on - Friday 29th of October



1st place - 5 STEEM + Booming vote
2nd place - 4 STEEM
3rd place - 3 STEEM
4th place - 2 STEEM
5th place - 1 STEEM

Don't panic eveyone.
Let's enjoy this challenge.
Can't wait to see the beverages come from different countries of the world.

Thank you so much @progressivechef for building this community and letting me for have this contest !

Any questions ???

Latest SIC power-up event: 20.10.2021


 3 years ago 

Excelente concurso amiga @kashvibhagya , la verdad es que ya quiero conocer esas bebidas típicas. Por mi parte muy pronto haré mi entrada, para dar a conocer una bebida de mi país.

 3 years ago 

¡muchas gracias amigo! sí, también estoy esperando ansiosamente ver esas bebidas tradicionales en todo el mundo y espero ver las tuyas demasiado pronto.

 3 years ago 

Un interesante concurso ya me animare a participar saludos!

Excelente este concurso cuenten con mi participación 🤗

 3 years ago 

gracias mi amigo ! Estoy esperando ver tu entrada.

 3 years ago 

gracias mi amigo ! Estoy esperando ver tu entrada.

 3 years ago 

Es un excelente concurso espero participar pronto.

 3 years ago 

¡gracias amigo! Estoy esperando ver tu publicación.

Amiga @kashvibhagya quisiera saber si es posible realizar una bebida tradicional y además en el mismo post hablar de un té medicinal que sólo exista en mi región, es decir una planta Latinoamérica! Serían como dos bebidas en un mismo post 😀 es que hay una planta con la que estoy encantada en estos momentos!

 3 years ago (edited)

lo siento mi querido amigo, solo puedes hacer una bebida. Estoy esperando ver tu linda publicación.
Hiciste un gran trabajo en la primera ronda y espero ver tu publicación también en la segunda ronda.

 3 years ago 

Waaooo genial, preparándome para este segundo desafío de bebida tradicional.

 3 years ago 


Hola mis amigos, aquí mi participación..Saludos..!!

