The Steem Price is at it´s lowest this year... that´s awesome!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

You heard right. As per Coin Market Cap Steem´s value is $2.29 US at the moment of writing this post. This is it´s lowest price since we started 2018.

You are probably wondering why is unusually quiet, you click F5 to refresh your feed but you can´t seem to find anything new; you are probably seeing top content creators posting less times a a week or maybe those who used to post a whole article are just posting just a picture and 5 lines - these guys usually have autovoters, yeah -; those minnows who started with a lot of energy back in January are posting less and less as the price continues to drop.

This is normal. People are mentally and psichologically defeated due to the general drop in crypto prices these past days. Steem and SBD have taken a big hit and we´ve seen that on every post we published last week...

Our posts payouts are dropping like flies after and it is normal that our morale is on ground level.

Well Bu-Freaking-Hu... stop complaining and cut the whining, this is not the time to be negative and I´ll tell you why:

In this times of price drop...

  • First of all: Don´t panic, dont sell your Steem.

  • Other Steemians are posting less times a week. This allows us to keep posting at the same frequency we´ve been doing it. This will increase out visibility both in other people´s feed as in general tags.

  • Other Steemians are dropping their post quality. This is the time for us to rise our post´s quality. This is our time to shine and to gain more followers, while other people slack.

  • Every post payout we get will receive more Steem. Back when I started in May 2017, Steem was at $1 and that 50% of post payouts translated directly into Steem, but now the Steem price is higher so we don´t get as much Steem per post. Now is the time to stack steem, keep posting, every time you get a payout, you will get more Steem than when the price was higher.

  • People´s vote is worth less than one month ago, so everyone - who cares about the platform - is focusing in rewarding only the best content... So rise your post quality.

  • If you have Fiat - that is, physical money - consider buying Steem. This is our last chance to buy Steem at this price and I highly doubt we will see it this low again.

I am not a crypto analyst and this is not profesional advice, this is coming from someone who trusts Steem and Steemit, I am not a crypto expert but I am Steem believer. I am going to follow this advice as much as I can and you know what? You should too, trust me on this one.


I have to agree with you that now is a great time to put more efforts in while getting more eyes on your posts. I myself comment and engage with others building my steem dream and have been fairly successful but either way keep going and never give up!

agreed...massive action is imminent!^^

I felt like you were reading my mind! Lol
I plan on taking advantage of these prices. If the price drops even from here for a little while, I’m ok with that. My strategy is to invest weekly for 6 months at least $1,000 per week into a mix of coins. My SP target for my portfolio is 55%. I’m actually overweight. Soon I won’t be and I’d love some of these prices! 💰Thanks for the post and encouragement to stick in there! Resteem

Being just a week old on the platform, there's an abundance of information I've been pouring over and trying to get educated on (payouts, voting weight, optimal posting times, bidding.. blah blah blah). But if there's one thing I can already tell in my short tenure here is that this platform is going to explode and that can only mean one thing for the price of STEEM.

I consider myself lucky to have gotten in at this point in the game. The support I've already received from appreciative readers (yourself among them @anomadsoul), the fun I've had in writing my posts and the tangible gains in crypto are what makes this place great.


Hahaha. Saved GIF to my collection!

Couldn't have been posted at a better time, right? lol

Wow . i heard about drop i think its bad for us .
But @anomadsoul you give me best idea . that big steemians not posting a lot in these days so this is our chance to rise up

Make good post and get good response .
Thank you for giving us such a best idea .
I will do my best . no matter stem is down or up . something matters to me is my followers and response of others .

Thaks, Eric, for this clear post. Apparently, everything looks very quiet in Steemit, apparently many expected this, but for those of us who just started and suffer this crisis like the first, this affects us a lot. I suppose that we demonstrate here the faith we have for this platform.

Totally agree with you on this. This is perhaps the best time to stack up steem at around USD 2. Personally, have been powering up all my rewards since day 1 and would continue to do so since i strongly believe in the steemit platform. it is disheartening to see your ppst values drop each day but thats part and parcel of life and crypto space. Regards Nainaz.

I am not very old here but I do know that people stood with STEEM when it was just a few cents. These people had never seen it rise before , still they had faith. Some even invested their life savings. How much more we, who have seen it rise so high. Would we now be discouraged by a dip? Quite unreasonable . I believe that this is the right time for anyone who has fiat to invest it and in 2 years from now, he will be all I big

It is unreasonable yet a lot of people are panic selling or even worse, they don´t want to post anymore because SBD and Steem price are at its lowest this year... mistake! They should post more!

Or they will withdraw a third of life savings in 2 or 4 months. Im not spreading FUD but this is how it happens usually.

Great points you have there. When I started it was like 87c and we were still posting so this small downturn should give us an opportunity to accumulate those Sp!

Thank you very much! I've spent 2 days thinking should I sell it or keep it. I got demotivated cause I, as minnow, on 42 reputation got a well paid post for the first time and now it decreased for $35.

Thanks for the advice and have a nice day :)

Don´t despair, a month ago you would have gotten 2 Steem for a $20 post, now for that same $20 post, we are getting almost 5 Steem. This is the time to mine Steem by posting my friend.

Thank you million times. I have a tactic to write my thoughts into the notebook first with a title and sentences how to, and about what to write . I've collected few of titles and ideas I think might be good, but can you tell me how to get a few bucks more on a post.

I gave myself about 2 hours of work for my last post which I find pretty good and quality but got only 50 cents (not a rapper) haha.

Interesting points about more visibility and getting more steem, I hadn't thought of that.
I usually post 5-7 days a week and plan on sticking to that pace. Its what works for me. I really enjoy working on my posts so I'm not going to give that up just because the price is down. When my friend who has been on steemit a long time helped me join she told me how the price used to be and how she just kept doing her thing and building connections, and now she's doing great! That's been my mindset, I've been very lucky but I know I have to keep working for it. And I love it so... no looking back!