
the steemit account looks suspended, the service is no longer available?

it has moved to a monthly subscription model.

hi @arcange,
Is this database still working ?
If yes Then I am not able to connect to server using Sql server management studio.

I am able to connect just fine.

The database here is not responding!! I'm trying to connect to it from Java code and it says "Communication link failure". Also from comand line I run a ping and none of the packets come back!

Why MS SQL server, and not something more open like MySQL or PostgreSQL?

The fact the server behind is open or not does not matter to me.

The server itself is not open, only the data in it.
What's important is to have the required skills to manage it (including its security)and have it available to users's requests.

You're free to build your own if you really want an open source server.

How did you populate the database to begin with? If you're using the RPC mechanism, after 30 days some data is no longer returned. For example, active_votes is empty for all posts after their second payout. You can even see this on where old posts have zero upvotes.

All votes are in transactions and stored in the TxVotes table, even first votes ever :


this is severely underrated. gave you my full blown 100%. we need this.

Thank you !

This is pretty good. I've been trying a few queries, sometimes taking a while. Would you consider adding some indexes on a few 'key' fields, or do you want to keep it like that ?

Post you queries in steemsql channel
I will analyze them and see how to improve DB design/performances

the differences between the graph database and the monolithinc, intransient relational database takes some compilation of data, and new blocks alter records, in ways that can be difficult to adapt, such as if a poster makes a really big edit, and suddenly the datatype has been overflowed.

But I think this is a cool idea. It might make a model for moving from a memory heavy graphene database to a storage heavy sql, maybe some sort of hybrid to cache data for faster retrieval or so.

SteemSQL database is a replica of the whole blockchain, not a compilation!
This mean if a user edit a post, you will find 2 or more transactions in TxComments with the same author/permlink but with different bodies/titles.
Compilation of data is made at query time.

Ah. So it's just another implementation of the graph database protocol, layered on top of a relational database.

This isn't a graph database at all, unless I am somehow mistaken.

No, it however has to implement one to allow the diff-updates that the platform allows, which essentially is a graph database (like CVS or Git). It just gives you the ability to search using SQL queries which are very concise and neat and easy to write, and with that pull all kinds of higher level data out of it. I think that was the purpose of building it - to allow more people to tinker with analytics.

Seriously, Doesn't this defeat the purpose of decentralization?

Why its defeat decentralization?

No. The essence of data analysis is collecting (aggregating ) data and making meaningful insights from it, which requires centralization by rule. The decentralized nature of the data isn't in jeopardy here because there are still unlimited copies of the Steemit blockchain out there ensuring that there is no vulnerable, mutable, single-source of the truth. This particular copy just happens to facilitate reporting.

Thankyou heaps for doing this!
I have a heap of ideas for queries but I've been trying to avoid the overhead of running my own full node - this is a far more efficient way to do it :)
I'll be following, great work

That's exactly the purpose of it: having an efficient alternative to local nodes.

As soon as I have some time I will use your steemit database because I am a data fanatic. Thank you for making this available. I am following you now.

I will closely monitor server as I made it a bit quick and dirty. I will now work on tweaking it for best performances

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