
Average think tank in Steemit headquarters.

"The price is tanking and half the crypto community is calling us scammers. What do we do?"

"I know! Let's show them how their investment will be drained. Let's delegate power to our friends!"

...2 months later...

"Why is the grand plan not working?

"Hmmm...Not sure."

" I have a great idea! Let's delegate more power and create a hard fork that rapes the reward pool even further! That will show' em!"


" To the moon!"

Could it be ... Steemit marketing?

ROFL I can see this convo being real too. Great minds think alike?

God, " Have you noticed that kyriacos is one of the most cynical mofo's​ on the planet?"

Satan, " He's one of my main men!" "Especially on that new social website​, Steemit." "He's killin' it there convincing anyone that is dumb enough to listen that the universe is deaf, dumb, and blind!"

God, "Indeed!" "Well, 100 years of your people practicing​ mind control programming has certainly dumbed down a fair amount of people on the planet!" "My prediction is that he's going to eventually come out as a flat earther!"

Satan, "No fuckin' way!"

God, "You know the rules here!" "You're dismissed for now!"

People with imaginary friends don't get to troll anybody else but themselves

I quite value imagination! On trolling: minding one's projections......

LMFAO. Following you for more of this sick wit.

@thatsweeneyguy who are these badger voting your comment? Are they kinda viting bots?

I would love to know as well

FYI it just says steemit is the best, upvote me please

I'm honestly wondering the same thing... They seem to be the same accounts upvoting the comment above...

This is the type of thing that has caused me to quite using the platform as much. did all this vote come about?

Cheaters. That's how.

Flagged for obvious reasons. Others should follow suit as well. This is how we create a balance.

Yep, just like how I'm flagging all of your comments and you'll never earn another penny!!!!

What? I flagged @affiliate's $90 comment that only said "Steem." I'd think that, that is something that you'd also flag . . .


Just genuinely confused as to why you'd indiscriminately flag/attack me trying to play a positive role in this space. I can allocate resources to negate it, but that does nothing but overall damage, I don't want to do that, I'd rather use VP to spread the rewards pool around to people who want to help steem grow. This system can work if we collectively are cool with one another and are respectful to each other.

I can enjoy and appreciate chaos, but I enjoy it more if it has merit or carries a message.

I personally want to help this place flourish and bring more people onboard while also demonstrating some form of etiquette.

So is this the secret code?
Alakazoo, alakazam...
Give me 77upvotes
I know you can!
(Waving magic wand)

Steem 이 최고입니다! 투표로 나를 잡아!

Looks like some bots with power

it would have worked, but you added extra on top, that made the magic spell missfire, now some poor sod got the clams...

Is this like the Contra cheat code?
UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, START ... ah good times :)

. . . B, A, -SELECT-, Start.

I'm confused...

Berniesanders, I always thought you were a whale, but be that as it may, thank you for presenting this. It's only one thing wrong with steemit, but it is pretty egregious.

There's so much wrong here nowadays I hardly like to visit, like people posting someone else's YouTube video and getting 30 or 40 bucks a pop for that.

Wanna make money on steemit--be beautiful and take pictures of yourself doing something, anything. Add a few comments like "It was delicious" "My first time!" "Isn't this place gorgeous?". Oh and it helps to be Asian nowadays.

Funny story: I suspect Abit was my student in Shenzhen. I've only ever met one Abit in 14 years in China and it was in IT and I think she was a coder. She'll neither confirm nor deny.

Bernie, glad to have you here. Wear that -16 like badge of honor.

what in the hell is going on?? I almost feel like I'm in that movie Eyes Wide Shut and I wish I could take back all the nonsense I've been witnessing. I don't get exactly what's going on, but this does not sit well with me. Those posts are trash. Why the big money for them? What gives?

So confusing. But once the average user finds out this type of thing, while rare, is going on . . no way Steemit gains traction. TRuthfully, it appears that the powers at be do not need it to be more popular. THey are already quite well off and can hand out their power at will.

Free market and all that . .

But geez, it is just perplexing . . . .

This kind of thing doesn't look good and supporting it from the top just makes it look bad.

This is also why I stopped up-voting my own posts - it sets a terrible example and disincentives the people who are just starting out.

It makes Steem and Steemit look like an insider scam.

Maybe I'm crazy but I think we should be trying to look whiter than white to attract new people in and fight against the pre-existing scam accusations.

This just acts as confirmation.

It is truly sad. I think we all need to step back and look at what we are doing and how it might look to an outsider.

Perhaps I'm an idiot but I believe that integrity is worth a lot more than money. Once it is gone it is very hard to get back.

You're right. But for example for steemians like me upvoting my post (it's 60 cents) sometimes is the only way to get at least a tiny reward. I don't use bots, most of my posts are 2-3$ at reward pool, and not that I pretend on high rewards, but it seemed to me much more fair at the beginning, while all content was less or more same level (no one yet thought about stealing and spamming), and the rewards were also more or less equable, really depending on the content quality. It's really frustrating when you try to do your best as hard as you can and with no result at all or only with a tiny one

Wise words. I agree and it's not just about doing the right thing it's about being seen to be doing the right thing. You are seeing the bigger picture and that's never stupid.

You're absolutely right and I'm kind of disappointed to see the people who are suppose to be lead figures for us , are acting in such a manor , then what's left to the rest of the community ? This is unjust

Not just upvoting their own posts , they all seem to stick together with one another and never upvote anyone's comment and expect us to keep upvoting them because they are "so popular" that's just disgusting to me

I agree with you :)

I think you've touched on the answer a bit actually.

In a relatively free market such as this (it's not completely free right now, but you get my point), it's up to us all as a group to simply stop upvoting the crappy people altogether.

By spreading this message, we may actually stand a chance of stopping these shenanigans and putting an end to the insiders' victory circle that's ruining the reward system here.

I totally agree with you on "this looks bad and that it sets a terrible example to the ones who are starting out"

You're not an idiot to believe that integrity very very important! I hope they soon realize that this is pretty discouraging and hopefully it doesn't go on.

I finally got a few of my friends in and those are actually investors but with this kind of trend - I don't think it would encourage them to let even a cent out and buy Steem . I miss the old days back when its the post that matters, the effort given to it, the value, the interaction and contribution the author gave the platform regardless of race, colors and languages. I hope this gets turned around.

I'm just glad I reduced my stake in Steem. I did it in order to trade with a view to getting my stake up to at least 200,000 SP. Not sure I want to do that anymore with these kind of shenanigans going on.

That's sad! .. if those who invested aren't getting appreciated I won't be surprise if they all do the same but it won't be good for all of us. I do hope this gets turned around. Perhaps the next fork would fix it?

A fork isn't required to fix shady behaviour:)

That whole idea to get into Chinese/Korean market by upvoting/promoting some bloggers from these area is a complete bullshit. Some group of pampered, wine and dined (and paid for expensive traveling around the world while buying designer cats) users will have zero marketing effect on billions of Chinese and Koreans, even in crypto or blogging environment.
As usual, the old loyal Steemians are ignored and unappreciated while some undeserving opportunists from certain geographical area are glorified.
It seems that this platform, despite being anarcho-capitalist haven (greedy capitalists pseudoanarchists), it has also become xenophobic.
Financially discriminating and glorifying certain nationalities over others is nothing more but form of nasty discrimination.

I guess you don't mean the circlejerk tag or the makeup tutorials?

How to join the scheme only - dress up like an Asian and buy a purple wig helps for sure lol

Thanks for spotting and highlighting @berniesanders

I guess I shoukd learn how to write in Korean/Chinese/Japanese now cause that basically sums up the trending page LOL

Exactly, I really need to learn too. All Asian languages

One great decision after another!

@tuck you should be running the show around here. Maybe they would get somewhere.

Wow berniesanders, I've never seen anyone with a -16 score on Steemit. How did this happen?

You are my hero.

That's very kind of you.

You almost make it sound intentional.

I've seen it all ...your hard work I mean :)

He got nuked by big players for calling people out on BS...

Hum -16 that is a score that show a lot of disapproval on steemit.
Steemit exists because of *US. Without steemians, there are no STEEMIT.
I have seen blog with two words get upvote and more.
Again It is who you know. I am okay with it. Stick to it and grow your followers and BE KIND
Eventually you will get your share of rewards.
I don't like to upvote myself but sometimes it is the only way I can reward myself. I cannot be mad at anyone for not voting me.
Just got to do better.
Keep on steemit.

"I don't like to upvote myself but sometimes it is the only way I can reward myself."

For us minnows it's the only way to get something most of the time.

@dan flagged him to -16

can't agree more

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