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RE: How I Went From Steem Agnostic to a Steem Believer in 48 Hours or Less

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

oh well, I believeEVERYONE WOULD BE A BELIEVER if they had earn has you did in 2 post's... trying to squeeze more juice of the orange with this 3 post? oh well, the rich become richer... (steemit wouldn't be the exception).

Ok, now that everyone has attention to this comment...

why not support something really important?

Steemit Thunderclap campaign? ->

@dollarvigilante can you bring you network to support this? and all the others as well... 500 supporters need!

and I'm not a troll: check what I've done so far at steemit ->

just trying to help build the best social platform known to mankind...

and if you want to know more about what i'm feeling about all of this read:

Cheers to all!


Self-defeating attitude. I've been writing for 6 years straight, every day, and have garnered a worldwide audience. What have you done ? Just complain about how everyone is better than you?

thats right @brunopro, Jeff has earned his reputation for a long long time. When he finally has the opportunity to post on a decentralized soc media platform that rewards the content creators directly instead of advertisers he is finally earning the way he should have all along. This is a revolution in free speech and decentralization. The whole system rewards people that create content that help others. Your reputation relies on it. Get with the game bruno. And thanks Jeff.

Self-defeating attitude, that's the difference between anarcho-communism and anarcho-capitalism :)

As long as money is a tool of power, there will always be masters. In a true anarchist society, additional labels like this are needless. People would be free to do whatever they want, not what "the system" expects them to do. There would be community projects as well as individual ventures, whatever works best.

Btw, blockchains (and open source software altogether) are a prime example of the benefits of social anarchism, and don't follow the capitalist logic: the means of production are not private property, but can be used by everyone.

@cryptosolitaire: I don't believe in the horror stories the movies are telling us about what would happen when the ruling hand would disappear. Yes, society would need to change, and that could hurt for a while. But I believe it would be possible, as humans are wired to cooperate.

But I don't have or want children, so my readiness to accept the risk of a horrible failure is a lot higher than yours :D

Actually true anarchy would be survival of the fittest or best armed.
While it would be interesting, its not really the type of society i would want my grandchildren to have to live in.

I'm with you Jeff. You always provide great content and if you get rewarded for introducing more people (like me) to this brilliant concept, then good luck to you :-) With gratitude.

Nice article ... investing in bitcoins is a great idea . i am buying loads of them and piling up on XRP aswell

If some of these naysayers spent just half the effort on their articles and posting as they do on trying to bring others down and complaining that they can't get rich, they would probably have much more success on steemit. News Flash Folks! You have to work for success, it's not handed to you!

I've done a lot for bitcoin, YOU DON'T KNOW ME... I'm just now mediatic as you... sad sad sad comment!

That is a beautiful response. Perfect! Never apologize for success!

Jeff's work has changed my life immensely for the better, and I honestly have not even been able to dig through all the content he has created over the years. I am mostly a fan of Anarchast. Some videos I have watched numerous times, and others I have yet to see due to a very deep catalog. And then there is The Dollar Vigilante, his large and active FB following, along with the annual Anarcapulco event. So, $15k might seem like a lot for a single post, but it represents a pittance in terms of all the work Jeff has done over the years. As well, Jeff will most certainly bring a lot of people over to Steemit with his advocacy, and that is far more valuable to the ecosystem on the whole than the amounts he is earning. That's the way it goes.... suck it up big boy, he didn't take any food out of your mouth.

  • Don Henning (my real name)

I have 3 million followers on my own website and i wont bring them here, just because i don't believe any of my follower is going to make any money by themselves. I tried myself as a "normal" user and couldn't make it, so they wont make it neither. Only personnalities are making money on here, last month anyone promoting steemit could make money, but today even that is gone.

There is no truth to that statement. Yes it's true people can make money by being celebrities or by having social connections to bring to Steemit but interesting or insightful blog posts get rewarded every day. Not every blogpost is anarcho-cap.

True! I'm just a normal bloke and my second post earned $2600.

They also have paid up voters working around the clock to up vote hidden gems and provide them some funds and build the network.

Again, self-defeating attitude. Just like any other form of media, anyone who wants to make money needs to be able to market themselves and gain a following. Those 3 million followers of yours didn't just fall out of the sky; I'm sure you worked for them. Same here. This is not free money given out to anyone just for showing up, and if that's what your web site followers are seeking, they would indeed be disappointed. It is a platform and an opportunity for those willing to work for it and bring value.

I am of the same belief man. If you want something, work for it and I'm working hard on it. You mentioned some great facts on which I'm agree with you. For the same type of people, I wrote this article. I'd be more than happy if you read it and give remarks on my writing style.

But 'Value' is the challenge ... One mans meat is another man's poison...not so? "How to survive a Lion attack in the wild" article may provide value to an African, but is of no value to a New Yorker !!

@najoh Your "3 million followers" are not following you because you pay them directly and that shouldn't be why you would encourage them to give us a try here. It is safe to assume the "3 million" people that follow you do so because you provide them unique or informative content. Those same followers on Steemit would be able to both monetize your efforts here beyond your wildest dreams and be rewarded themselves in the proccess. Think of a post that got 3 million upvotes? Dream big my friend not small. - Cheers PJ

Point number one, all my followers are french, so not really the best audience. I'm not a celebrity but they are following my brand. I tried Steemit to have some fun and to see if it was possible to make any real money coming out of nowhere, and the truth is, it's as difficult as creating your own blog, brand or business. So why create it here when you can create it somewhere else.

That's exactly what I was thinking - get them on here and up-voting your content - then pay them a percentage of your earnings

This isn't just another blog--just another blog will have a centralized network. Have you not learned anything? None owns this shit. It's yours to make and to share.


Well said! It's the market doing what it does. Allocating money to people working for it...

we have a saying in our country... aaphno jiu ko bhaisi dekdaina arka ko jiu ko jumra gani ra cha... meaning "you don't notice the black buffalo in your head but your sharp eyes spot lices on other's head"

No, Steemit won't be the exception to the rich getting richer, my friend. You get in what you put in - and that's the natural flow of life. It's the market. Free market principles apply to everything except maybe your hurt feelings. You've just proven why socialism doesn't work. In that type of economy or societal ecosystem, your attitude gets "rewarded." By "rewarded," I mean you get to continue to be mediocre. It's downhill from that point. You can pretend to get things for "free;" you can pretend that you followed the path of righteousness that allowed everyone to get a piece of the pie, and you can pretend that innovators are nothing more than part of the evil 1%. Your slave masters want you to have the attitudes that you hold: it makes it a whole lot easier when the inflatable life preserver you're wearing pops, causing you to sink.

Steemit is exciting. Stop being a killjoy.

Looks more like you are spamming the reply area with links to your own stuff. Your lucky you haven't been flagged yet dude. ;-) Just saying.

anyone can earn here bruno I am an ordinary guy and look what happened with me yesterday, read my latest post and see, you just got to keep working at it.

All I have in steemit I earn with by myself, I know it's possible to earn money. What annoys me is the "rich getting richer", but let's see in the future if the CELEBRITIES will bring value to steemit or they just taking out profits without making anything of value....

For the record, I've powered up almost all my steem except for an initial amount just to see if it worked (transferring out for bitcoin). I'm fully on board with building Steemit.

That's very noble indeed.

then please disregard my previous note about remembering to power up!
have fun and keep up the great work @dollarvigilante

For the record, I've powered up almost all my steem ... I'm fully on board with building Steemit.

You may find my latest blog post helpful on understanding where precisely the money comes from to pay the blogging and curation rewards.

Celebrities have done the work on other networks to build a large following so that is why their posts are worth more.

trudat! i sure hope others will see it that way soon.

@brunopro Make sure you give away those Steemit pennies of yours - you wouldn't want to get any richer in the eyes of those with less than you.

one of the greatest values they bring is thousands of more users.


There's plenty to go around for everyone. Thanks @dollarvigilante for helping to spread the word, increasing our market cap and making my SP more valuable.

Agreed, like most things the rich get richer!! I assume there is a larger following of whales hoping to get a lucrative "up vote"; therefore nobody is bothered about the content of a post! Steem is still extraordinary!! Obviously the success has to be earnt initially and that is the difficulty the majority experience, there is always an element of luck too!!

Spot on !! Sort of 'right place at the right time' luck.

Agreed. @dollarvigilate is riding on his success elsewhere, that got him a personal and private interview with the steemit founders, and instant trending on an 82-word introduction.

So do you really think the celebrities would even see the value?

The rich get richer by providing value @brunopro

It's definitely a numbers game.

@mrgrey to add your point @dollarvigilante 's user base will hopefully bring in tenfold the money into the community than his posts earn.

Dude @dollarvigilante , has been working years to building a community of followers, and he is interviewed @dan and @ned within hours after he learned about the platform. He is brining his followers to OUR platform. I have been writing about earning a reputation in many posts. He has been doing it for years. If you haven't watched the interview please do so.

My first thought was, "Oh' great . . . Berwick making more money."
Then it hit me. "Well, yah, he can do more for a cause in a few sentences than 99% of the people on earth."
So Welcome Jeff!
I'm happy to follow the Dollar Vigilante.
I am Flynn.


@brunopro have you tried subscribing to the Dollar Vigilante newsletter? That`s all I needed to do to make money.

Lol good job!
Steem the cow :)

The irony is you just earned him 12 bucks

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